
After you buy a car/motorcycle in CA can you drive it w/o insurance?

by Guest59949  |  earlier

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I'm buying a motorcycle today, and plan to ride it home from the sale.

Obviously, I can't get insurance yet, since i don't own the bike.

I was wondering if it was legal to ride the bike home after purchasing it.

I thought about the same with a car, which is a similar situation.

If I buy a car, am I supposed to tow it home?

Alright, let me know,





  1. you should be able to as long as you carry the papers from the dealership on you.

  2. Oklatom is correct. The dealer won't let you have the car or bike without insurance as he'd be violating the law.  

  3. No absolutely not. And if you get caught doing it, its big time sh*t.

  4. You can tell  you agent ahead of time driving with out insurance is never legal.  

  5. You notify your insurance agent that you are buying a car/motorcycle, so he can get things ready.  You call the agent from the dealership with the final information he needs, year, make, model and VIN.  He gets your card ready and sends it to the dealer's fax number.  By the time you've signed all the other papers, your proof of insurance card will be waiting for you.

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