
After you go to the bathroom, why you do this?

by  |  earlier

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why do western people wash their private area with only toilet paper, this doesnt make you clean at least wet the paper first, i dont get it, and i want to make something clear to te world us middle eastern dont wipe our A$$ with our hand(are you crazy) we do clean it with water and soap after we wipe it with napkin, western people looking all nice and smelling good but if you god knows how they smell down there, please i am not trying to offend anyone and i dont want any one to ne racist and make fun of the middle east but i just wanna know why you do this




  1. DIfferent races have different cultural approaches to everyday situations like the restroom....   nothing about it is universal.  It doens't mean anyone way is right!  

  2. The simple answer is that most people will have a shower or bath once a day so there is no real reason to actually wash every time.  When we see friends etc we don't immediately ask to see or smell their private parts and therefore there is no problem.

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