
After you have been on the drink what sort if crazy food do you eat??

by Guest11110  |  earlier

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i just had cold chicken soup and some of the kids Farley's rusks thingy witch i used for dookin in it

i seen a can of beans which i headed for but i put ma foot in the dugs water bowl wobbled a bit but grabbed the tin

i went to open the ****** but slipped in the water and put the other foot in the dugs food bowl i fell on ma **** but i had my finger in the beans tins ring pull thingy the ****** exploded like a bloody hand grenade what a mess !!!

she is gonna kill me when she wakes

oh aye the question what crazy food concoction have you eaten when drunk???




  1. Fantastic bud. LMAO. My favourite food when drunk is cardboard.

  2. Think you have been on the puff matey

  3. mince on toast ..cheesy beans on toast,or corned beef wibeans &HP sauce on toast......

  4. absolutely LMAO!

    I can sympathise with the dog bowl bit I do it all the time sober...funny how tomato ketchup tastes so d**n good after a few though.!!

    have a star for that

  5. lol biker your a nutter..has she woken up to the mess wee head is a tad tender this morning..i prefer a wee bacon butty as the english call it smothered in brown sauce washed down with a bottle of limeade...hate going to work with abloody hangover but needs must x


    natty likes the cok with ginger pubes

  7. On boxing day many years ago at 9am I ate a huge trifle.

    I was informed my brothers mate spewed and there was a whole sausage in it.My Dad dropped his dinner on the carpet pissed, put it all back on his plate and ate it.When I lived in Blackpool,I'd been a couple of days without food, when I got my Giro, I went and got about 3 quids worth of sweeties then went and got pissed,next day I was sick as a dog and swore I had a bad pint the night before.

    I no longer indulge.

  8. no chance of topping that bikerbear. brilliant!!

  9. Last night I had doner, chips, cheese, coleslaw and chilli sauce all mixed together in the same box, even when yer steamin it's boggin but I still ate it, well some of it.  

  10. one nite there was no food in the house and managed to scrape together onion ring burgers and garlic tablets.  yummy!!!

  11. I don't drink, sorry, I have morals unlike the majority of people in England

  12. go on admit it, you ate the dog food.....I usually look for savoury stuff, I have had a cold ready made sheperds pie or even left over curry.....

  13. lmao. after a days shooting wi ma mates i got home very drunk .when i asked my wife what was for tea .it was 1.30  iwas on my own .being a smart **** i decided to pluck and de breast a duck ,the breast was cooked and eaten .in the morning ther was blood and feathers everywhere .but also my lace and the tounge of one boot was missing .i had cut through it and when doing the duck .fried them then ate them.

  14. brilliant am lmao here,there is no way anyone can top your incident anyway!!

    I like cold baked bean butties,I know it's not a crazy food concoction but only ever them when drunk and have been known to cook steak and chips at 2am when drunk and it was lovely.

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