
After your baby was born did you feel you were in a fog and all confused how did you get past this or did it?

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just go away? Did it get better after you stopped breastfeeding?




  1. Yes!!!!!! You are not alone and it is very normal. I have a 4 month old and sometimes I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago. Breastfeeding makes no difference really. What really makes a difference is when your getting a good nights sleep several times in a row. Which means the fog may take a couple of months - 12 months to clear completely. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. I have a 4 year old as well and it can't be that bad because I did it all again.  

  2. Having a baby is very confusing. It is very important to have a good network. My mother-in-law was my saving grace. It's a whole lot at once. You just gotta do what you gotta do. I only breast fed my son for six months. He's now 3 yrs old and occasionally still fell like that. I know you fell like that now, but it will work out. Just do what fells right, and if you need help don't be afraid to ask someone. I also found the local health department nurses very helpful. If you think you are feeling post-pardum depression please consult a professional

  3. Oh yea, its normal, went through it with both, even not breastfeeding. it has nothing to do with age. your horomones are going cuckoo, your life has been flipped upside down etc. Once you get into a routine and figure out how everything is going to work on a day-to-day basis you will get back to normal. I cried every night after my 2nd because I thought nothing would ever be sane again!  

  4. Nearly 7months later and I am still in a fog! It might be the sleep deprivation.

  5. How long ago did you give birth? It takes your body a couple weeks to adjust to being a new mom.  If it has been more than 6 weeks, you should tell your doctor, it could be an early sign of post-partum depression, or something as simple as low iron.

  6. this is win I had to start theripy for beeng such a young mom. a teen age way to have a baby is the rong way, take my advice ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  7. I'm still in a fog unfortunately.  I delivered my son 6 months ago.  Still wondering when I'll get my head back.

    So, guess we are in the same boat then.  Eeeeps.

  8. LOL, that is EXACTLY how i feel every day....i don't know if it ever goes away...but i hope so!!!


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