
Aftercare for circumcision?

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i'm 18 and i just got circumcised 4 days ago, there is still a little bit of bleeding is that normal? i think this is from the erections i get at night. is this ok? What other things i acn do to speed up healing process?




  1. don't wear a condom!

    you want the air to get at it so it heals.

    It's going to take a couple more days to heal up better.

  2. I was circumcised at 18 and would do it again in a heartbeat! You should ice it at night to keep the swelling down. That would help the bit of blood you see! when you get the bandage off soak in epson salt that helps! Also wear tight underwear the first few weeks and stay away from indoor and outdoor sports!

    Intactivist, they don't give you anything for erections!

  3. I think this is a fake post, they should have given you medicine to prevent erections

  4. congratulations on your circumcision. Helmets rule.  Yes you will get some bleeding from the erections.  it is normal. surfinyoga gave you some good advice.  Make sure that your stitches are dissolved after ten days any that remain should be removed by the doctor who did the surgery so that  you dont get tunnel marks on your p***s.  You really cant speed up the process other than keeping it dry and clean. you can be sexually active in 6-8 weeks. here are two groups you can join for support and information

    they have over 2000 members circumcised as adults

    here are two doctors with information on their sites:

    Main website for Dr. Reed's "The Reed Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Reed:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Reed:

    Main website for Dr. Cornell's "Circumcision Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Cornell:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Cornell:

  5. You doctor should have told you everything to expect after the procedure. Call the office. There is no miracle cure for a hurried up healing process it takes time. Don't mess with it for a couple of weeks and it will be fine.Unless you get it infected then you are in for big trouble.

  6. Congrats... you made the best decision.

    It is normal for it to bleed a little, but after about 10 days it should start to look more healed.  

  7. It really doesn't matter what you do now, in a few weeks your glans will lose most of it's sensitivity (if it didn't you would never be able to wear clothing) of course once it loses it's sensitivity it is gone, it doesn't come back for s*x. For instance I was circumutilated more than 50 years ago and now I can still feel dry cloth but I have a h**l of a time feeling a moist v****a.

  8. wear a condom all the time it will stop it bleeding so much to speed up the healing just don't use it for masturbation for ages

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