
Afther childbirth is it safe to go outside after 5 days?

by  |  earlier

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just had a baby and wanted to know if it was safe to got out after having a baby or do we have to stay in house for the full six weeks.




  1. How did you get home from the hospital? You've been outside already, right? Dress your baby appropriate for the weather, and go for a walk! Fresh air is good for you. Don't overdo it, come home when you start to feel tired. I started taking my daughter to playgroup when she was 3 weeks old. Don't worry about public places. If you breastfeed, they won't pick anything up. If you don't, they probably still won't pick anything up.

  2. You can go outside anytime. I wouldn't take a new baby to a really public place for a few weeks though.

  3. I dont see why yu wouldnt want to get out of the house. Of course its safe to go outside. Getting out into the fresh air migt make you feel better

  4. its so funny, with my first I stayed inside or just went on walks around the neighborhood, but with my second I couldnt keep my 3 year old inside so I was kinda forced into the public world with my newby. Its absolutely fine, I got one of the slings which my babe loved so no one really felt intrigued to reach in and touch his face and hands, little protection from the public but still able to be in public.

  5. If it wasn't safe to go outside, they wouldn't let people out of the hospital.  

    So yes, you can go outside after 5 days, you can even go outside 5 hours after giving birth if you want to or feel up to it.  What does having a child have to do with going outside?  You might want to keep your baby inside to stay out of the heat or the sun, but there's no reason you need to stay inside.

    I know it's some kind of tradition or custom for Chinese women to stay inside for 6 weeks, but it's just a tradition, it's not because it's not safe to go outside.

  6. I've never heard about the staying in for 6 weeks thing.

    No, it's fine to go out as soon as you want.  It's good for babies to get fresh air.  

    I was out and about the first day out of hospital.  It wasn't such a good idea for me though as my stitches hadn't healed and I was walking for hours lol.

  7. I personally feel torn with this question. In one respect you dont want to take the baby in public until he/she has all their shots....but in another its like you want the baby to build up immunities to certain things. I dont know if i want to keep my baby in a bubble. I think this is what causes so many allergies in children today. Take the baby out....dont be scared. You will know where you are safe to take the child....

  8. lol.. well im not 100% sure.. but i was definitely outside the next day after i was born! and no one in my family has waited the full 6 weeks and we are all perfectly healthy. so i would say yes its safe, just maybe keep the baby covered up since it is summertime.

  9. Oh my goodness! Go outside don't worry! Unless your baby has an weak immune system from something other than just being born there is nothing to worry about. You don't want to hand him around to 100 people who are coughing or don't have clean hands, or have alot of people touching his face, but to go out there is no issue.  Go out and enjoy the million little grandma ladies that are going to want to ooh and ah over your new little baby.

  10. If it weren't, you wouldn't see women anywhere.

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