
Ag classes if my school doesnt have them?

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Okay so my school does not have any AG classes or FFA obviously. I think every school should it is a great thing for kids to learn. But the High school I am supposed to be going to doesn't have one.

what i was wondering is How I can learn what a AG class would teach me without going to one, since my high school doesn't offer one and the Community college doesn't have any AG related classes either.

Help!!! PLZ




  1. Go into this site and spend some time and it will give you a good idea about the information. Also in your county there is a Local Extension Service and Extension  Agent. They will work with you to get you into Extension Education Programs and classes. They can also help you get into a 4H program near you. The 4H will give you much of the things that you could get from the FFA if you had it in school.

  2. I beleive you can sign up for courses from the land grant universities on the internet

  3. Local universities often provide extension courses in agriculture. Some of those are likely on-line and at negligible cost.

    These extension classes are often targeting farmers with only tenth grade, so they are not beyond your ability. But some of the more advanced, like soil science may assume you have grade 12 chemistry. You can usually work ahead in chemistry enough to deal with that.

  4. find a local 4-H program...

  5. There are a number of programs on the internet for Distance Learning.  I didn't do a real in-depth search, but here is a link for the first one that popped up:

    I don't know if yo uwill be able to find one geared to a high school student.  If not, you can always take a college level intro course.

    Good luck!

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