
Again, how can I improve the wrist action on my serve, and don't tell me wrist weights?

by Guest59453  |  earlier

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Okay, I've done wrist weigts, and that doesn't help. You don't need stronger wrists, just a loose one. I've played several players who have been fairly short, and skinny (and I'm not saying you need to be muscular for tennis, I'm not), and they could hit very fast serves because their motion was so fluid. That's what I need help on, how can I get that "loose wrist" motion?




  1. Try throwing a baseball so you get used to snapping your wrist.

  2. well there are some tennis player that have ummm, we say that they have quick hands which really makes their serves faster. but there's really nothing much you could do about it, it simply the talent.

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