
Again I ask...since candidates kids and family are fair game now?

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Why isn't the prostitute press reporting about this??

The daughter of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of obstructing a police officer outside a Chicago bar.

Ashley Blazer Biden, 21, of Wilmington, Del., was with a group of people on a North Side street where several bars are located when someone else threw a bottle at an officer, police said.

When police tried to arrest another person, Biden blocked the officer’s path and made intimidating statements, officer JoAnn Taylor said.

The daughter of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of obstructing a police officer outside a Chicago bar.

Ashley Blazer Biden, 21, of Wilmington, Del., was with a group of people on a North Side street where several bars are located when someone else threw a bottle at an officer, police said.

When police tried to arrest another person, Biden blocked the officer’s path and made intimidating statements, officer JoAnn Taylor said.

The daughter of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of obstructing a police officer outside a Chicago bar.

Ashley Blazer Biden, 21, of Wilmington, Del., was with a group of people on a North Side street where several bars are located when someone else threw a bottle at an officer, police said.

When police tried to arrest another person, Biden blocked the officer’s path and made intimidating statements, officer JoAnn Taylor said.

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.




  1. dude no need for such lengths.

    it's easy. if the husband is standing behind palin not making any major speeches then he's off limits

    if michelle campaigns on barack's behalf by holding major speeches then she's fair game

    kids are off the table

    hugs! simple

  2. Shhhhhhh-----Hush-Hush---"pipe-it-down"

    George Soros owner of the media thought his goons had this swept completely under the carpet----say  anymore and you might have to enter the witness protection program like friends of Larry Sinclair---William Ayers and Tony Rezko.

  3. They don't feel it would make as much money as what they are reporting now. They are only biased in favor of making money. What do you mean by now,people have been attacking political families for a long time.  

  4. Now you've gone to meddling!  Don't you know that the only ones who can sling mud are the Dems and they are exempt from blame and negative exposure?  Gosh, after all if you open your mouth and talk about them you might stop the country from being handed over to terrorists!!!

    Just a bit of sarcasm Actually your point is well taken!  There is no excuse but didn't Sarah Palin beat the snot out of Obama???  She was AWESOME!  Maybe there is still hope for this country!

  5. Can we go back on the subject that happened 22 years ago. Lets talk about Obama and his smoking dope. Time to revive the dead.

  6. And again, these are adult children who's parents are no longer responsible for their actions.

  7. AGAIN, I TELL YOU...The Media is Liberally biased! They believe they are in control of the elections in every situation, they believe they are in-charge, and we're just stupid dummies that need their input or we can't decide for ourselves. They think they are the air we breathe...actually, kids aren't fair game, and the kids of the candidates are not running for office, so I DON'T give a good God d**n what the kids have done, I want to know what the candidates if elected will choose their own path around the age of 16, and almost all parents deal with...REBELLION against the choices they made for their children, by their children....George Clooney's dad is still dealing with that rebellion politically...being against his son and supporting McCain, not Obama as George is....I don't give a F...every human has consequences to their actions whether they are good or bad consequences, or good or bad choices...I SAY, Bristol made a choice to have premarital s*x, is going to have a baby, is marrying the Father of their baby, seems like she loves him, and the consequences of her actions before marriage for HER, is a life with a fine young man, and a beautiful baby to love and adore, not get rid of.

    What a brave young woman...and her Mother Sarah Palin is responsible for showing her how to take responsibility for her actions.

    Without mistakes, we'll never learn the right thing. I don't care about the rest of the candidates children's "mistakes". It is up to them whether they do the right thing, or not.

    The smear campaign against Palin, is not about her children, it's about her, and the Liberals will bring her down if they can, in anyway possible whether it is honost, has integrity, or is full of hate, and deceit.

    I know it is full of hate, and deceit, and FEAR.

    God Bless America, because Liberals never will!

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