
Again...Should I get a PS3 or Xbox360?

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Actually, I'm (again...) having trouble deciding on getting a PS3 or an Xbox360...Which ones better again...

(Please be thorough and include Pros and Cons.)




  1. The ps3 is the better system. As of now, the systems are about even, but the ps3 will soon be way better. The fact that it has bluray is a main point. High def movies, and the games can hold like 50 gb vs.10gb for x360, so ps3 games are gonna become larger and have more detail than the x360. Also, online is free!!! These are just two reasons...but trust me, there are many many more.

  2. I had the same dellema and a friend talked me into Xbox360

    If I had to do again I probably wouldn't choose the same.

    The Xbox360 has a large game library but they are all mostly sports games and first person shooters.

    The Ps3 has a fairly decent sized arsenal of games but I would say that it has better exclusive titles, such as Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, and obviously Metal Gear Solid 4.

    The Xbox360 has better online capabilities, and my old argument would be that it isn't free but now they are making some online play free.

    The PS3 is getting a cool feature of something called PS3 Home which is a little character social network not unlike Second Life

    The Xbox 360 has a little avatar thing coming out soon as well which blatently rips of the Wii, but that's besides the point. There isn't much you can do with the Avatars yet.

    The ps3 can be used for an internet explorer and can be used on the ps3 store

    The Xbox only has a store and no internet capabilities.

    The Ps3 also is a blu-ray player, which gives it a huge boost against the Xbox. New Blu-ray players cost basically the same ammount as a new ps3 which is just rediculous.

    The another good part about the ps3 is that it has bluetooth wireless, where the xbox only has wi-fi

    When you buy a new xbox 360 you only get 60Gb of storage and one controller, and no way to charge the controller and some online things cost money. There is no wireless network so you have to buy a 99$ adapter, this will total about

    349$ for the xbox360

    99$ for the adapter

    20$ for the charger and battery

    5$ a month if you want to use online things.

    that's about 473$

    The ps3 on the other hand really needs to additional purchases

    so it is only 399$ new and has a blu-ray player and 80GB of harddrive space.

    In the end I would say that the ps3 wins overall

    but if you are in love with Halo and online play I would say go with the xbox 360

    Short summary

    Xbox 360 better online play and more titles

    nothing else and more expensive in the long run

    PS3 more features, decent online play, internet capabilities

    cheaper in the long run, blu-ray player and more hdd space.

  3. x-box

    pros- it is one of the cheaper systems, u still get live on it, u have the market place to but things on it,

    cons- u have to pay for live, u get the red rings on it to


    pros u get live, u dont have to pay for it, the live is just as good as x box, u get to use old ps2 games on it to on certain models

    cons-it cost alot more, games cost a little bit more

    the 2 systems are both very good and worth every penny each have their own pros and cons but u wont be disappointed in either one u choose

    hope that answers ur questions

  4. I'd definitely say the 360.  It has better games and better online capabilities, plus it's cheaper.

    In terms of the recent generation consoles, I'd rank them:

    1. Wii (Cheapest, and even though the graphics aren't as good as the other two, the gameplay has been improved and that's what's important to me.  Plus, Zelda+Mario+Pokemon=win.  Asian nerd, right here :P)

    2. 360 (For the reasons listed above.  I place it behind Wii because the single gameplay hasn't improved all that much)

    3. PS3 (IMO, HUGE ripoff.  Ridiculous prices, even with the price drop, and the online capabilities are less than that of the 360.  Though it has the best graphics of the three, I don't think it's worth sacrificing everything else just for good graphics)

    Hope I was of help :)

  5. Definately PS3. It is capable of doing so much more.

  6. PS3 = More reliable - BluRay capability - Not made by Microsoft - It's brilliant.

    360 = c**p - Problems cause irreparable damage (i.e ring of death) - Doesn't work with BluRay - It's no match for the PS3

  7. Xbox 360 is cheaper + more game choice + xbox live is better than ps3 online service.

  8. Get a 360.  Better games, better online play, and the ps3 alwys breaks, only has one good game, and overall, just sucks.

  9. Go for the PS3, I've seen way too many Xbox360 systems being returned to the stores, and many don't last very long before they malfunction.  

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