
Again...sorry, i'd like more answers please...?

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Help me to compare stories with yours....and give me any ideas of what you think is going on with me...hope I can get some peace of mind today! thanks!!

MY details:

LMP: July 28, 2008 (usually a 28-30 day cycle)

OPK: tested positive 2 times:

1. August 11, 2008--the test line & control line similar

2. August 14, 2008--the test line was DARKER than control line

**Hubby and I BD during fertile times and when OPKs POSITIVE

August 20, 2008: Brown tinged CM when wiped...only lasted 12 hours.

CERVICAL POSITION: During Ov. time, very high; during expected AF, very low; and for the past 4 or so days, very high that I was unable to reach today (aug. 31).

I have no symptoms of either pregnancy or period...just uncomfortable feeling in BB's when sleeping on stomach, gas, tired (took a 2 hr. nap yesterday & I NEVER do that).

Please give me details of yours and anything that you may be able to help with mine...I want to compare stories, especially the ones that ended in a BFP (all my HPTs have been BFN by the way!) Thanks in advance

Trying to Conceive Lingo...sorry:

LMP Last Menstrual Period

OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit

BFN Big Fat Negative (home prego test)

BFP Big Fat Positive

I've been WAY emotional...and the nap yesterday that lasted 2 hours never happens! I even cried during the Democratic Nat'l Convention's speeches. haha!!

Also this may be a weird "thing" but I noticed today when checking my cervical positon, my vaginal walls seemed "swollen" was weird. I have a lot of cervial fluid too.




  1. Its been barely a month since your period, but I think your pregnant. take a test, Congratulations!

  2. I am going through alomost the same thing SO please let me know what the outcome is!

    Okay my LMP July 22

    Ovulated between 5-7

    Spotting(only 2 when i wiped) on Aug 16

    BFN on July 21 and the 24

    And still no signs of AF?? I have no idea what is goin on but have had a gut feeling a may be pregnant.. and have been "nesting" more so then usual.. I also had high cervix during Ov and now it is very low and has been for 3-4 days.. i have had TONS of CM none-stop since EWCM around the 4th-5th of Aug!!

    Also i have been very emotional, crying practically everyday for the last week-week 1/2.

  3. sorry to hear you're going through this, i'd take another hpt and if still negative and you still have many of these symptoms you can ask a doctor for a blood test for peace of mind, to make sure if you're pregnant or not...those symptoms can also be progesterone, but it's best to take a blood test,

    most doctors don['t really go by cervical position to find out about pregnancy, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice to see what they say and find other women going through similar situations, try

    good luck!!

  4. My story:

    LMP- Aug 2

    O'd- Aug 21 (basal body temp)

    Hpt- bfn Aug 29 and Aug 31

    Af is due today but no sign of it... but still no positive hpt.  I normally have extremely sore b*****s and get really cranky before my period but this time I have not had any of that I am just extremely tired and emotional ( i have cried at everything).  I have had a bit of cramping and shooting pains through my b*****s a couple of times (not aching like I get with my period).  Well hopefully we both get a BFP SOON!!!

  5. im not sure about ur cervix but from what u say about brown tinged cm and the dates it would work out about right to be implantation "bleeding" which can usually be brown spotting or pink...i would say wait another couple of days and test again. good luck

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