Help me to compare stories with yours....and give me any ideas of what you think is going on with me...hope I can get some peace of mind today! thanks!!
MY details:
LMP: July 28, 2008 (usually a 28-30 day cycle)
OPK: tested positive 2 times:
1. August 11, 2008--the test line & control line similar
2. August 14, 2008--the test line was DARKER than control line
**Hubby and I BD during fertile times and when OPKs POSITIVE
August 20, 2008: Brown tinged CM when wiped...only lasted 12 hours.
CERVICAL POSITION: During Ov. time, very high; during expected AF, very low; and for the past 4 or so days, very high that I was unable to reach today (aug. 31).
I have no symptoms of either pregnancy or period...just uncomfortable feeling in BB's when sleeping on stomach, gas, tired (took a 2 hr. nap yesterday & I NEVER do that).
Please give me details of yours and anything that you may be able to help with mine...I want to compare stories, especially the ones that ended in a BFP (all my HPTs have been BFN by the way!) Thanks in advance
Trying to Conceive Lingo...sorry:
LMP Last Menstrual Period
OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit
BFN Big Fat Negative (home prego test)
BFP Big Fat Positive
I've been WAY emotional...and the nap yesterday that lasted 2 hours never happens! I even cried during the Democratic Nat'l Convention's speeches. haha!!
Also this may be a weird "thing" but I noticed today when checking my cervical positon, my vaginal walls seemed "swollen" was weird. I have a lot of cervial fluid too.