
Again.. why does marriage make sense for men?

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Read the material before you answer.. otherwise you will look very stupid.

Feminists talk about "women in the kitchen" as being old fashion and out dated thinking. But most of them still support marriage.. which is also out dated and old fashion.

With feminism taking away all the gender roles. Modern feminized women have little or nothing to offer in marriage to a man.

Feminists today complain about having to take on male roles. Well.. who asked them to? I didn't... nore do I plan to take on any female roles.

So why should any man get married to a feminized modern woman?


Answers like "Don't get married" are redundant and unnecessary.




  1. I agree.  

    Anyone who claims to marry for love is just fooling themselves.  Seeing that love can exist in it's entirety without marriage.

    That and if she's not willing to cook some food or clean up a bit, she probably doesn't harbor a whole lot of love, either.  I'd fight the entire world for a good woman, if she can't lift a finger to help around the house then what's the point?

  2. ''Marriage'' in the dictionary definition means a legal / solomised admission of two people wedded together.

    The words spoken at the start of the ceremony are: ~

    There is assumed to be a desire for a life-long companionship, and a generous sharing of the help and comfort that husband and wife ought to have from each other, through whatever circumstances of sickness or health, joy or sorrow, prosperity or adversity, the lives of these parties may experience.

    Marriage is therefore not to be entered upon thoughtlessly or irresponsibly, but with a due and serious understanding and appreciation of the ends for which it is undertaken, and of the material, intellectual and emotional factors which will govern its fulfillment.

    It is by its nature a state or giving rather than taking, of offering rather than receiving, for marriage requires the giving of one’s self to support the marriage and the home in which it may flourish.

    It is into this high and serious state that these two persons desire to unite.


    So, it seems to me that if you are not agreed to the venture, then don't sign up for the voyage.

    I know and understand it's a simplistic point of view, but none the less as valid as any other (simplistic) points of view either.


  3. Any man who buys that BS shouldn't get married. I love my husband and he loves me and we don't care that some people are anti-marriage or that its old fashioned; its what we wanted to do.  So you know I read the materials but you still look stupid. Oh wait that's not what you said. Here's an interesting reason to get married "so the kids have the mans last name", what do you have to say about that.  If not married a women gives the kids her last name and your name dies out.  Not to bad of a deal for those modern feminist women right!

  4. Many studies have shown the health benefits of marriage for men.  A married man will typically live longer and healthier than a single man; whereas a married woman can expect to live a shorter life than her unmarried sisters.

  5. hmm...bitter and lonely, much?

    anyway, let me tell you about my marriage.

    my husband and i were wed in October after going through pre-marital counseling with our chaplain. we wanted our love recognized by both the Lord and the state, so we married in the chapel after abstaining from s*x. we had been together about a year and a half.

    we are best friends. we share our every thought and ambition with each other. we have date nights, movie nights, late weekend mornings....we make each other a priority. with me being in the military, it's comforting to know that no matter where the good 'ol armed forces chooses to send me, i will have a loving and caring husband on for the ride.

    we recently found out he has Cron's disease. you may not know anything about this, but it's chronic, uncureable, and generally miserable. because i'm his wife, i have the benefit of being able to attend every doctors visit with him. my job gives me the time off, and Tricare pays for it all. (yay tricare!)

    i am a modern feminist, however let me tell you who is in charge of "nest keeping"'s ME. i'm just better at it. and you know what? he helps if he can, and if he can't, he is sure to show me gratitude. and that's all i want. if you come home and i've scrubbed the house top to bottom, all i want is a hug and a "thank you" and your help keeping it clean. And he does that.

    so that's us. and maybe you'll never know the comfort of coming home to a loving spouse, but don't even try to ignore how powerful this union is.

  6. Ha, that webpage was funny. Well, inaccurate - but funny.

    Many women don't see the point in marriage either. If you want, find one of those. Others may do it to please their familly, or because it does give you certain rights. I think it's still easier to get child visitation rights through a divorce court rather than when you are just a live-in partner. Also, there's certain rights married couples have live-in couples don't - a spouse can stay in hospital, and has the right to say what to do with the body, whereas an informal partner does not - why did you think getting g*y marriage was such a big deal? (Not sure these are universal btw)

    For some it's still a tradition or religious deal. There are still reasons. Well, men still do it. So do women.

  7. Next week I celebrate 19 years of marriage. I guess I am blessed the book was not then.

  8. I am a feminized, modern woman, and my love asked me to marry him because he feels that we're going to be spending our lives together one way or the other, so why not get the legal benefits of actually being married?

    I personally don't see any reason for anyone to get married, male or female, aside from the one listed above.

    Disclaimer: I actually don't see marriage as a necessity for everyone, and would not ever get married unless I was certain that I would be spending my life with this person with or without it. I'm not going to say tax breaks and health insurance benefits are a "reason" to get married, but it's beginning to seem stupid for me to not take advantage of them if we're living as a married couple already.

  9. Marriage makes sense to some men I am sure. I think it would depend on the particular situation. For some people,  it's a symbol of commitment protected by laws.

    "women in the kitchen" days were not that long ago and cultures need time to progress.

    Modern feminized women have much to offer in marriage to men. They can raise the family and be the bread winners. What do the men have to offer?

    ----"well, who asked them to?"  children would be one answer and I would say bill collectors another.

    A feminized modern women is good in the sack!

    Also, I would think there is an etiquette associated with with marriage. If I say I am married most men will leave me alone but If I say I have a boyfriend they are not so easily dissuaded.

    I hope you make enough money from your hate manual to pay for a very nice wedding.

  10. Don't get married if you don't feel like it is for you. Otherwise, stop your whining.

  11. I think the better question is why you feel your lifestyle is correct for all others.

  12. Don't get married then.  

    Wait!  I wasn't supposed to say that.

    Marriage is about a lot more than who does what tasks.

    Okay then.  Marriage is supposed to be a partnership between a man and a woman who try to better themselves and each other.  It's generally the best way to raise a family (no knock on single parents here, but it's usually beneficial for kids to have both parents if at all possible).  

    Then there are those of us who believe that you SHOULD get married before having s*x and/or starting a family.  I'd say it makes perfect sense then.

    Tasks should be divided by who's best at them, not by gender.

  13. God said so. He told me last Wednesday. Not yesterday, a week ago

  14. "The material" was just some fuktard with diarhea hands.

    Christ, children's literature is fun and all, but not very credible.

  15. Again, quoting froma totally biased website which is rather sad that anyone has bothered to devote a website to that.

    But marriage is about loving someone, being with them forever. And gender roles, they don't exist. We gel together with people.

    The fact you think women are evil etc etc means you will never get a girlfriend.

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