
Again with the sweeney todd play?

by  |  earlier

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its me the 13 year old directing the play u think it will help me if i tell about my play in the newspaper




  1. Definitely.  I think you should advertise as much as you possibly can to get the best turnout.

  2. of course you should also make flyers and post them around your town cause the more advertisements u make the more publicity it will get good luck!

  3. yes but submit a professional press release so people take you seriously.

    btw are you doing the sondheim show or is this your own version?

  4. Again, I had to look in, to see others who answer.

       You omit certain details, as one other points out, such as Who's version you might have adapted, and if you have obtained any RIGHTS, and/or if it is an original version which would still require the rights to use the name. Certainly you cannot legally put on this or any show, without obtaining the rights to do so.

       You neglect to say anything about where this might be presented, any adult involvement, anything about profit or cost, and how or why a 13 year old has been pressed into this service?

       Using the media for any attention, obviously even this media has garnered some, might largely relate to an ad noting that a performance is pending AT A SPECIFIC venue, including dates, times, ticket costs, etc. "TELLING ABOUT THE PLAY" sounds like you want to explain it's premise and context?

       I'm still curious, as I was in your first Q, with regard to having you offer some details, as asked in my response at least, and others in doubt about someone your age, being in such a position.

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