
Against child/animal abuse but dont under stand where one is more important then the other?

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why are so many people more concerned over animal welfare then children welfare i personally believe that no child or animal deserves any mistreatment whatsoever at all .. it makes me sick that some people would care more about animals then children why are people like this ...cruelty in any case is sick and wrong an should be outlawed through out the world for both animal an child abuse people need to open there eyes an see ALL of the terror that abuse causes an not be soo one sided about things....children an animals are verry precious beings that BOTH deserve respect .. any one agree ?




  1. some people prefer animals to children , the vast majority of people put humans first ,what ever we choose its a personal choice and not one we can dictate to others

  2. neither is good but i totally against child abuse because i been thru sexual abuse as a child and it did so much more scaring and damage that i am afraid i will never recover to be intimate  with someone that i love. i had several people i like before i found a guy but i always afriad of being close and being touch it i always walk or ran away.  

    a few yrs ago i met a great and really honest/good hearted but he realize it would not work out but we ended up being best best friends.

    animal abuse is never good either and breaks my heart seeing it

  3. there is to much suffering full stop,and i dont condone any of it.cruelty is cruelty.animal or i agree,they are defencless,peAce.

  4. P.E.T.A. regards harm done to animals the same as done to humans. So another point to consider what does a person do about bullying. There are books on it but more needs to be done. In schools if the proper behavior cannot be taught to students then education fails. It is not enough to teach literacy ,history, and math in schools. Another point little boys often try to look up the dress of a teacher .  As to abuse  jail is put to use and in places execution was put to use. Places like Germany during n**i Rule. Another thing to consider is there are two kinds of abusers the ones who work on a child to get the child to aquiesce and the other kind which forces the child which is the one The News and T.V. Programs prefer to dwell on.

  5. you have no children then.... i presume you right all abuse is horrible but you will die for your child an not your pet..

  6. To me they are the same.  I belong to an animal shelter that has brought to light a few child abuse cases by seeing how they treat their animals. If you can abuse a helpless animal, you can abuse a helpless child.  Look at all the child abusers out there now - look at their history at what they started out abusing - animals - and their parents, etc. never did anything about it because it was "just an animal".  See where it led?  If a child is abusing an animal, he/she needs help at an early age so it won't esculate.

    Sally J -  you would die for your child but not for your pet.  Funny, your pet would probably die to save you.  What does that say about humans?

  7. Yes, I do agree. Both animals and children deserve respect and both need to be protected by abusive people.

    Did you know that a danger signal of a child abuser is someone who has a history of animal torture as a child?

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