
Against white people.?

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Slu - my point is: Did any black leader lend a helpin hand to their fellow brothers who are dying of hunger in other African countries? Face it buddy, White people are there ones running around in Sudan helping poor kids, while Black South africans are busy with Xenophobic attacks. No matter what you can say Black People never stick together instead you are killing each other. You don't care about the next black person. You are ruled by ignorance.




  1. Are you confused? If racism is not only race-based why do you ask as if it is?

  2. If black men have unity......... then it will never happen.....

    Fighting togethor is the way to them

  3. I agree that it is impossible to crush all racism (as long as there are differences there will be racists) but you're saying that only a white man can make SA successful. I'm a Kiwi (New Zealander) so I don't really know about SA politics, but even in our classrooms we hear about the atrocities that happened during Apartied. There are still people who were hurt by SA's policy under the last white president, and maybe they see electing another white president as backsliding. If you kick a dog, and kick a dog, and kick a dog, eventually that dog learns to fear you. It takes time to build trust, and it hasn't been long enough for most to rust having another white man in that much power. Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me.

  4. I stay in south africa and the majority rules unfortunately the majority here is africans.  And i'm not being racist or anything but look at what has happened to our country since the africans became president.  South africa has gone backwards and is fast heading for the same situation as zimbabwe as our leaders are just as corrupt.  Mugabe never use to be a killer.  He was an honourable man once but he was corrupted and as each election went past he stayed president because he knew how to manipulate people.  He manipulated that countries people so much untill they had no more money, he stole their money.  He's living like a king while his people is starving.  Its cheaper now to wipe your *** with a million dollar bill than buying toiletpaper.  His wife goes on shopping sprees and spends millions on clothing and accesories while the country is starving. The people realised what was happening but unfortunately too late, Then when he realised he was loosing the elections this year he started killing people of the opposition, because he's afraid of living in his ruined country without having power and money.  He knows if he looses the presedency he can be held acountable for so many illegal deals.  And guess what.  Guess who mugabe's wife is, thabo mbeki's sister.  So that is why the south african president, mbeki, has not stood up to him.  Also this is just an opinion but I'm sure mugabe is blackmailing our president some way.  Either that or they are friends.  

    South africa will become a better country if it was ruled by a white president.  This has got nothing to do with racism but if you go back in history african people were slaves, and weren't allowed to go to school.  They were desociolised completly and had to stay in rural areas where there was no water or toilet fascilities.  Its a shame though that people did this to them because they are only human like us caucasians but the problem that occured is that they never received proper education and so now we are faced with uneducated leaders who dont know what they are doing.  Also if you go back in history the whole of africa belonged to the africans9black people) and so its only fair that it stays that way.  I can understand why they are fighting so hard to stay in control.  If only they knew how to control it.

    If I could, i'd leave my home country in a flash.  If only it wasn't so difficult to immigrate.

  5. gosh you are so right!

  6. OK , I understand what you are saying ! Our president in America messed up real bad and he is WHITE ! I am saying no matter what the color is it makes no difference ! Having a white person in your country will cause more problems because when he is under pressure he will call on Americans to invade your country and it will be worse then it may be now . Look at the Iraq problem ! I am going to pray for you country to find someone who will  help and make right decisions ! I am sorry if you felt like I was against what you are saying , but I truly believe it is the person not the color .

    ? Are you African or are you a White man or White woman ?

  7. Thanks to the opinion but no way.

    read carefully and understand. The white government of south africa was not supporting any other african state. they have locked the borderd while picking people as far as malawi to come and dig the gold mines. they never sent help too.

    Check the south african economy since mbeki came to power, it has picked up. That is why sa can take parts in meeting such as g8. The scandal about this government is slowness in crime. when coming to businesses, the former government has supported the white people businesses only. Now in South africa is wake up and do something. It is hard for everyone now, because the competition has broadened up.

    The history of sudan war has nothing to do with black among black, but started because arabs wanted to impose muslim religion to everyone, some tribes join and others no. check the roots you will be able to correct it.

    the whites helping sudan, it is that the rich help the poor. These countries has managed to get rich when things were still cheaper. And at the same time a lot of africans countries were still colonized. Where frustration occur, losses of land, resources, lives and slavery occured. The returns were enriching the west.

    For africa to develop, it is not up to a white man but a lot of issues which covers economy, social interference and politics. Now the world has millions of rules and is expensive, ranging from biofuels, GMO and food crisis, global warming, human rights, animal rights,  tax, inflation to whatever you can name.

    face the facts - you can get stabbed this second but recovery can take more than 10 yrs. Do not look at failures due to colour but check the roots. In genetics - genes of colour and intelligence are not correlated.

    And if SA is stabilizing the economy in this modern day, respect the leadership.

  8. That is my point we whites are so bad

    So let us leave them alone let them fix there own problems

    Mr. Mbeki don't beg at the big 8 show us what you can do like you done in Zim

    To the whites in other country's "you can see with you own eyes" what a big f.... up you have made

  9. Sweetheart that is something I also cannot understand? They hate us and want us all dead, but they still want what we can give them?

  10. I think you need to get out of the racist mindset. Aren't we all people? You can find examples of ALL KINDS of racism in all different situations. Racism is a never ending cycle that will not be broken until the individual sees that race doesn't matter at all. Wow, statistically black people are poorer than white people in some areas (and yes, there is a flip side where white people are poorer than black people in some areas), what is anyone going to do about that? If you want to do well then try hard in school and make the best of what you've got, don't become a stereotypical maniac who sees race around every corner.

    Remember that examples of racism (from every culture to every other culture) exist, so stop being racist :)

  11. racist people come in all reces hun,

    as hard as we try wel never change it!

  12. Africans want help from the west in the form of money, the white man is expected to just hand over large sums of cash but not get involved himself.

  13. this is a good statement

  14. Whilst Black people are in charge of South-Africa , nothing will change. Unfortunately all they are out to get is riches for themselves and to h**l with the rest of their own people. I feel for everyone who suffer at the hands of selfcentred people but you have a point there. It is proven over and over again that Black men are unable to run a country. Nothing racist about what i am saying now, it is a fact. Look at Zim, Uganda etc etc. White people in SA stand no chance of running SA again and as for Mbeki lending a helping hand no way, he does not even care for the poor  blacks in SA, with him it is just me me me.

  15. Maybe you should have cleaned the clutter out of your question and it would have made a lot of sense. You say “If African people are not prepared to vote for a white president then why do you get white volunteers and red cross providing food, shelter and medical assistance in African countries”. You seem to imply that it is wrong for African not to want to elect a white president. According to the latter part of your question, that is racism. But you’d see nothing wrong (no racism) if “white volunteers and red cross” could react by withdrawing their good work. That would be racism, I assert.

    But why do you expect African in Africa to elect a white president as against electing a honest man/woman who would take the best interest of the whole population into account? There are good men/women from all races.

    For reasons known only to you, you just cluttered your question with irrelevant issues to your main question “Against white people”. If Hindus and Muslims don’t like each other, what has that to do with “against white people”? If Zulu and Xhosas hate each other, what is the relevance to “against white people”? Are Afrikaaners and English speaking white people now “against white people”?

    Well thought questions attract well thought answers – not the likes of “gosh you are so right!”, “this is a good statement”, " WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO made AIDS now they are makeing black people fight amoungst eachother" etc. Shouldn’t we be debating tough political questions instead of this directionless issues? People complain that the standard of education is SA has dropped since democracy, I hope the low standard shown here lately does not reflect on that claim. If it is, then “help us Almighty”.

  16. The white race is smart enough to create the most just and prosperous societies the world has ever known, but stupid enough to think that other races can do the same.

  17. The South African economy was only worseoff during the NP rule becuase of the immense international sanctions that were iposed upon the country. If those had been lifted during the old regime, the economy would have been far greater than it is now.

  18. I agree, racism is not a matter of color only. There are plenty of people of my own ethnicity whom I consider sub-human. You need to make a responsible choice in leadership, but you have to consider that the vast majority of constituents are going to be the under-educated masses who will vote the "popular" street-level consensus and it is difficult to get them all "on board" with regard to the true resolutions offered for the issues. People do not learn from history, they tend rather to take it to the next level of atrocity.
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