
Age 15, and still bed wetting?

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I'm a 15 year old male, and I still wet the bed? I really don't drink much before bed, but sometimes I'll wake up in the morning wet. (Probably 2-3 times a month) Last time I was at the doctor's (about a month ago) he recommended that I see a urologist. (been really busy lately and haven't been able to go yet)

What kind of physical problem could this be? Has anyone else experienced this? I usually avoid sleep overs because I'm afraid of being embarrassed in front of my friends, and I can't keep using the same excuse... If I go to the urologist, what will they do, and how?


PS, Mature answers only please :)




  1. That sounds like a bladder control issue...Are you having stressful situations in your life right now?  Sometimes bed wetting, (even in adulthood) can be related to stress.  Hope this helps

  2. seriously dude just go to a urologist, dont be embrarrist going, they will fix whatever it,  its fixable cos my coisen still did it at 17. then he finally went and got it sorted out.

    good luck dude

  3. I totaly understand how you feel. I wet the bed till I was 14, and I even quit drinking at 5 hours before I went to bed and still had the problem.

    One morning I woke up and I hadn't wet, then the next, and the next, and the next. I hadn't had the problem since.

    There are a lot of people that have this problem but just won't admit it. Don't worry, nothing it wrong with you.

    I never went to a doc or took any medicine. Medicine has a lot of side effects, and wetting in bed is a little better than some of the side effects.

  4. It's alright, I had the same problem till I was 16. I didn't know why I would do it. I did go to a urologist and they did a variety of test on me and some were very unpleasent. Then I went to another doctor and he told me there was nothing wrong and maybe there was a delay in growth in part of the signals my brian was sending. I decided that I would stop and truely wanted to and focused on that. One day I did stop and I havent done it since. Best of luck and go to sleep overs, just wake up before they do, if you do wet the bed when over there.

  5. Are you sure that it's pee and not just a wet dream? Wet dreams are perfectly normal for males. By 15, it MIGHT be a problem if you are still wetting the bed.. perhaps you should set an alarm clock for 3 AM and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night to avoid it. I'm not sure what the urologist would do, but they would probably take a urine test , ask you questions, and maybe get you on a medicine. You might actually have a problem, it's not your fault. Don't be embarrassed about it. He can find the source & make it all better [:

  6. Males are a bit more prone to physical problems that make it difficult to control their urination when asleep.  There are some physical problems that can cause this, and they can be successfully treated.  But you have to get off the dime and see the specialist.  I don't know the details of what a urologist will look for but it won't be any horrific torture chamber.  He'll probably just ask you some questions, and take a urine sample and possibly also a blood sample, for tests.  Shortly thereafter you'll have some answers and some strategies for staying dry from now on.

  7. Do you have any other symptoms? I am wondering, as there are some spinal issues that can cause bowel and bladder problems too.

    Going to a urologist is a good starting point though, and I am sure they should be able to help you pinpoint the problem. If they dont find anything, proceed to a neurologist to check out your spine. Good luck.

  8. Some young adults smply do not wake up. You haven't subconsciously associated the urge to urinate with the urge to wake... consequently you sleep through it. It isnt as uncommon as you might think. In many cases it is inherited.

    There are two classes of patient. Those with a physiological problem and those without any physiological problem.

    Assuming your urinary system is healthy, I will describe a couple of options.

    There is a pad and bell. When you wet the pad the alarm sounds and it is meant to wake you. In a short period of time you associate the need to urinate with that annoying bell and you wake before it goes off... then you are cured!

    Sometimes this doesn't work.. and the only people waking up are the rest of your family. In those cases, where appropriate, the urologist might prescribe some medication as a last resort. The medication isn't an effective cure because you have to keep taking it.

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