
Age 15 and diagnosed with breast cancer?

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hi everyone! my name is Bridget and im 15 years old. as you can guess im just a kid and im scared to death right now. last month i found a lump in my breast and i told my mom who immeadiately took me to my doctor who brought me to another doctor. and after many tests they found out it was breask cancer. stage 2, then the next time i went, it was stage 3. i have another appointment in two weeks and im terrified. i have nightmares of losing my hair and people poking fun at me. i always wanted to be treated like an adult by my parents and now more then ever i want to be a kid and just live my life without any worries. im asking anyone out there who has or had breast cancer or knows anyone who has or had breast cancer to help me... not money or anything, my parents are orthodontists and have that covered, but i need advice and some support and real facts from people. im to afraid to look online because i dont know what info i might find.




  1. There going to cut your breast off. SO the cancer won't spread. I'll pray for you. Trust me once they take it off and if the cancer didn't spread then you'll be fine. You may have one breast but you can still be normal. I hope it works out for you God bless you sweetie.

    if you need anyone to talk to try my email:

    or my myspace if you have one

  2. Bridget, We are stronger than we realize.  There are millions of women who go through this every year. You need to find a group of women you can talk to.  Your age doesn't matter. You just need to hear all the stories and talk to these women who have gone through exactly what you're going through.  It won't be easy, but breast cancer is one of most curable cancers today.  Call your library and find a support group.  You're going to be fine.  You'll get through it, and it'll make you stronger.

    Bless you and Good luck!  :) Btw, anyone that would make fun of you, you don't need as a friend!  Get a cool long wig!  :)

  3. Hold your head high, you're so brave.  If anyone pokes fun at you, it's because they aren't as brave as you.  No matter what anyone says, you're a fighter, or else you wouldn't have posted this.  You will be afraid, but remember that you are loved!

  4. i am so sorry:( that is probably the last thing you want people to tell you though.

    im sure its very scary.. my grandma had breast cancer.

    but you know what? she survived.. you just have to stay stong.... even when it seems like the hardest thing to do.

    just know how many people you have standing behind you.

    you can and WILL Get thgough this. you are obviouslt VERY courageous...

    please please feel free to contact me! i would be more than happy to help you in any way. any way at all.

    i am 16.. so we are around the same age..

  5. omg i am so sorry that this is happening to you :( im also 15 and seeing this has made me really think about how lucky i am. my grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer about three years ago and she had surgeryto remove it. she did amazing.  she had to go through chemo for about six weeks. now its three years later and she is doing awsome. no sighn of breast cancer at all. the thing she says got her through it was knowing that she was going to live and be ok. its not going to be easy, but fight through and know that your going to live. there are thousans and thousands of people who have lived through this and are breast cancer free today, like my grandma. good luck with everything and i know that you will do amazing!

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