
Age differences- why do you mind them?

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Women's attractiveness is determined by age, while men's attractiveness is not determined by age the same way as a woman's attractiveness.

Men aged 35 are mostly attracted to women from 5 to 20 years younger. Most girls prefer men who are older than them because "they are more mature". It all makes sense. The older a man is the more economically stable he is. It makes them better providers. And the younger a woman is the more fertile and beautiful she is. Age differences has many benefits. The woman gets the provider and protector she wants and the man gets the young, BEAUTIFUL bride he wants. I am not talking about 80 year olds marrying 18 year old. Don't misunderstand me. But 5 to 15 years does not hurt. I am 11 year younger than my husband and it matches perfectly. Why do so many women (esp. feminists) have so much against age differences?




  1. Yeah, I like women who are in my graduating class.

  2. I don't. I have always believed that -

    Age is a matter of the mind. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.


  3. Molly, it's great that you have a wonderful relationship with a man 11 years older than you, but honestly, no one cares. People are free to live their lives the way they choose. I don't care if an 80 year old woman marries a 20 year old man, or if an 80 year old man marries a 20 year old woman. I just don't care. It's only disturbing & morally wrong when an adult (not necessarily 18, could be younger) is involved with a CHILD.  

  4. My husband is 14 years my senior. He is my partner, my protector and he provides well for our family. He is old school and I like men that way. I have a part time job for the intellectual stimulation, the money is moot. He loves his role and it allows me to be a better mother. We don't send our kids off to day care or some other holding facility because we are parents not a couple who had kids. He gets some looks from women who think he robbed the cradle and some of the guys give him the approving wink either way its not important to us. Oh and for all the femz, I love and adore it when he calls me a trophy wife. Its not demeaning its flattering.

  5. It is not so much about beauty, but fertility.  They younger a woman is, the more fertilely she is.  Of course this is all subconscious and simply for procreation purposes, but none the less what attracts men to younger women.  Is there a problem with this...not really however maturity and life experience often come into play when creating a lasting relationship.

  6. You make a whole lot of assumptions there I do not agree with, particularly about younger women being more beautiful. I think many young women lack experience and confidence, which does not translate to beauty.

    My guy is 10 years younger than me, by the way.

    And he is not a "provider," he's my partner.

  7. its not that I have a problem, I just find men who date only younger women creepy.  Ya know then 1s who ask the chicks age, hoping she is atleast legal.  Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with the woman being more fertile, its about s*x plain and simple.  I find it a turn off about a mans character when he has a wife significantly younger then he is

  8. I don't mind age differences.

    Nor do I need a provider.

    Excellent generalization skills.

  9. i like younger guys

  10. Men aged 35 better not be attracted to women 20 years younger or they'll be put in jail.  Who says women and feminists have anything against age differences?  Age differences DO depend on the age and stage that each person is in in their life.  An 18 year old with 33 or so year old guy is wrong.  The 18 year old hasn't the life experience of the 33 year old (example age) and there are many moral and logical reasons this isn't a good match.  People need to have things in common and frequently the age differences become increasingly noticeable as the duration of the relationship increases.  Many think a much older person with a younger person is robbing the younger one of important life experiences and using them for physical reasons.  

  11. I haven't seen any studies, but from what I've witness personally, age gap relationships do pretty well. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean what man wouldn't want a young wife, and what woman wouldn't want a mature, more capable husband? I believe feminists always assume women are in a position of weakness. So if a woman is younger in a relationship, they assumes she's being used because they assume she's weak.

  12. If two people want to be linked together legally and physically and both or neither of them is soft in the head I see no reason to object.   I think some people are just fascists at heart and want to always be in other people's business.   When I was 36 I married a beautiful woman who was 45.  I didn't know how old she was and I really didn't care.  When she died 15 years later I cried just about every day for a year.   I probably will now if I think too much about it.

  13. Because they feel uncomfortable with it. That's purely their business. Furthermore, not all women are interested in providers or protectors, and not all men care about how youthful their woman is. And there's no significant amount of opposition to age disparity among feminists than there is among anyone else.

  14. You are making a lot of assumptions. In my experience (and most psychologists would agree), young women who go for much older men usually have some sort of issue with their father or lack a relationship with him. So to some degree, you are correct, these young women are looking for a "provider" and "protector". They are essentially looking for a father figure.

    As far as the men are concerned, yes, sometimes I'm sure it's that they're after beauty. But is that really a good reason to start a relationship? Beauty doesn't always last and doesn't have much to do with having a deep connection. Another reason older men go for younger women could be that they are immature themselves and only feel compatible with someone much younger than them.

    Given these reasons, I could see why someone would have an issue with age difference. And a man age 35 attracted to a 15 year old? Yeah, I can definitely see why someone would have a problem with that...

  15. Feminists hate it because, to them, it reaffirms traditional roles.

    They're jealous.

  16. i dont need a provider i have a brain.  

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