
Age for foal to start trying grain?

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When should be start putting little amounts of grain out for our almost 2 month old filly?




  1. Now would be good.  I started my foal on Strategy pellets.  I believe that a pelleted feed is easier on their teeth and digestive systems.

  2. Your filly should have started nibbling her mother's grain when she was 3 days old- so why have you waited so long to start creep feeding her?? She needs to be eating grain NOW, not later- or come weaning time in the fall, she will suffer some major setbacks in her growth and development.  Her mother's milk doesn't provide enough nourishment right now, and the overall nutrient levels in it are going to drop as the filly gets older.That will make the filly vulnerable to disease, among other things, unless you start supplementing her mother's milk with grain.  Let her nibble out of her mother's dish at first- that's the best way for her to learn how to eat grain and what it tastes like. Her mom will show her what to do- you don't need to do anything other than feed them both.  Once she gets used to doing this after a week or so, then you can start feeding her in her own dish- but feed both her and your mare from flat rubber tubs on the floor of their stall or paddock. It may also be a good idea to give the mare a little extra feed at first as well- because this will keep her from stealing the baby's food.

    As far as what to feed goes, you need to be feeding a high quality creep feed which is formulated specifically for lactating mares and nursing foals- I like the Omelene 300, and there is a related product from the Manna Pro company which has 16% protein in it, and is also made for nursing foals. You also need to be feeding the mare either top quality pasture, or a timothy/alfalfa hay mix. The baby can nibble this, too- she's more than old enough, and it won't hurt her to learn how to eat hay.

    I hope this helps you out.

  3. You should start trying her on grain at about 3 months old.

  4. Ever notice that when you feed your wet mare, that the foal starts tasting the grain within the first week of its life?

    No need to add extra feed for the foal, just feed the mare so that she can maintain the herself and the foal.  We feed about a 2 lbs per meal plus alfalfa and the foal almost always eats about a handful or so when it is ready.  When it is time to  wean them they are ready.


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  6. Foals normally start to eat grain between 2-3 months. When she starts to eat with her mum remember to start throwing extra feed for your mare. This way she won't lose weight and her own nutrition.

  7. mine were getting their own bucket at that age as their mothers were sick of sharing. They don't need much but like having something to taste and chew over.

  8. Mine have been nibbling on momma's grain since they were only weeks old.  They are now 4-5 months old and weaned and eating a balanced grain diet with plenty of roughage and doing great!  I had no problems weaning them (they didn't lose weight or go off feed) because they were accustomed to eating it already.  The biggest problem was the separation anxiety from being away from momma......and that was quelched by having 2 of them in the same stall (basically misery loves company).

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