
Age gap between siblings?

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My son will be nearly 5 by the time my next baby gets here and im worried about the age gap. There is 3 years between myself and my brother and we were really close growing up, always playing together and stuff. Im worried that because there is a bigger age gap between my children they wont get on as well. I also have a 9 year old brother so to start with i thought they would have the same relationship as my son and my 'baby' brother who get on great!

I was wondering what age gaps people have between their children and if that affects the relationship that the siblings have with each other? Or if you have brother or sisters and if the age gap between you makes a difference to your relationship? Thanks in advance!




  1. i have a 6 and 1 1/2 and one on the way. the 6 and 1 year old get along fine so far, play all the time to with each other except when the older one goes outside to play the little one wants to go and does not under stand why he cant go also.

  2. Feelings & Thoughts of Age gaps

    Maybe you're old enougn to give birth a nine-year-old child like your brother's age, so you might act like you are your little bro's MOM then being her sister. Also, when your children grow up, they might feel like your brother might as well be your children's half-older brother.

  3. I doubt it makes a difference in the relationship.

    I did a camp this summer, and there was a 12 year old in in. There was a 10 age gap difference between the siblings. she had a 22 year old brother and a 21 year old brother. :o

  4. i guess it depends on the s*x too

    i have two younger brother: one is 1 1/2 years younger and one is 5 years younger and even though i play with the little one who's almost 12 and i sometimes fight with both of them there is this huge gap between us

    they're close but i am away and separate from them.....i'm not a very goody goody sister at all and i have no problem with it cuz i dont wanna be close to my brothers at all

    thas my nature and so it depends on ur children's personality too

    sometimes age doesnt make a diference......u could be twins or a year younger or older and still not talk to each other

    it depends on the personality

  5. My sister is 7 years younger than myself and we get along great :)

  6. I think it all depends on the way your children think and how they are connected "brain-wise".

    I'm 16, and my older brother is 19 and I grew up close to him but now we're not necessarily close. It's not purposely, it's just a natural state.

    But my little brother is 11, and I can get along better with him and we're a lot closer.

    So I don't think there is anything scientific behind it, I don't choose to be closer to my little brother, it just happens in a sense of what we have most in common.

  7. i have two, the first is 7 and second is 6!! unplanned they are like twins and they are having so much fun together, I'm now having the third (Also unplanned). i think the ideal age should be 3-4 years, they will grow together and be close.

  8. The more it is the better ! no wait not too much !

  9. I have a daughter who just turned nine and my other daughter will be two next month and we are trying for another baby, the only problem i have is the p*****n age that my older daughter is going thru other than that she is a big help. i do not think the age gap matters alot , i think whatever is best for you and your family is what matters.

  10. My 2 older twin sisters are 5 years older than me and they dont get along well with me...but thats probably because we are into totally different things.  My older brother is 2 years older than me and we get along great.  we have alot in common and the same friends

  11. Okay . . . let me tell you about my family and our age gap. I'm the oldest

    22 Me

    21 My sister

    9 My half brother

    1 3/4 my half sister

    See there is a HUGE gape between me and the youngest and even from my younger (not youngest) sister and my brother. but we all survived I raised my lol brother like he was my own as mom went back to work and well he was my birth control for a long time and well now Its my turn to have my own! I hope that ages doest effect anything with your kids!


  12. between my bother me and my likkle sister 6 years between each of us (mum could only carry a baby every six years)

    my oldest daughter was just about to turn 4 when we had our second and then we had an accident with our current youngest was born 10 months 1 day later

    from my own experiance the gap between the younger two is better as they seem to get along much much better,

    i hope that helps a little

  13. 5 years is a not a lot but it can cause separation around the high school years. When one is in high school and the other in junior high they will be "too cool" for each other.

  14. My friend is like 7 yrs apartfrom her brother and they are closer then me and my two year apart brother

  15. I am 16, and my two sisters are 21 and 20.

    there is a much bigger age gap between me and them than there is between those two.

    I didn't see it as a problem at all.

    Infact, I get on better with them than they get on with each other. I think theres a bigger problem when the age gap is too close as oppose to it being too big!

  16. There is 7 years between me and my brother and were not that close. We have nothing in common and to be honest he just irritates me. However with 5 years they will be closer than us becuase there is a shorter age gap. Try and get them more involved with activities that they can do together.

  17. well i have 17 boy (about to be 18)12 year girl and 11year boy . the 2 boys are close cause they are boys they have guy things in common . the two that are yougest are close cause they close to the same age . the 17 boy and 12 girl are close cause he takes her shopping and takes up for her (like with boys lol )he watches out for her and they also have a lot in common now they aren't as close as the two young ones but they couldn't do with out one another. i guess what i'm tring to say is its up to you to find something that they like and show them what they have in common and let that be their thing you stay out of it and they will grow  up and find each other . my sis is 5 years older then me and we aren't as close as we should i think its cause my mom always had us doing differnt things. hope this was help full.

  18. i have 2 brothers 26 and 25 and a sister whose 23, im 21 and we all got on as kids growing up. we played together etc. But i also have a brother who is 13 and a sister who is 9 and there pains in the bum, i think as long as there isnt a major age gap say over 6 or so years it will be ok. He'll be able to play the role of big brother and most kids like being able to look after there younger siblings, it may be a little more difficult when your son gets to teenage years and wants to go out with his own friends and the younger sibling wants to tag along but thats just part of growning up and the younger one will soon find his own friends :)

  19. i have a 18 y/o son , 16 y/o daughter and 5 y/o twins. The joy of it all is amazing.  They are all very close and there is a big age differance. my step mom and her sister are 11 years apart and they are so close. So I do not think how far apart they are matters =)

  20. My mother was twelve years older than her younger sister and they have always been the best of friends.  My cousins, one just turned sixteen, one thirteen, and one ten.  They have always been really close.  Age doesn't really matter.  Love does.  And trust me.  Even though kids don't show it, they love their siblings.

  21. Sometimes it can affect a relationship...but many times it doesn't.

    Just continue to be a great parent and make sure you emphasize love between them despite their ages..and they will get along great.

    I hope this helps!!!

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