
Age of child for unattended bath?

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Well my daughter is 2 (26 months actually) and I never leave her unattended in the tub. As soon as she gets in I wash her hair & body then let her play for about 10 or 15 minutes while I sit and flip through a magazine and talk to her. Well a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine was staying at my house for a few days, and I was giving my daughter a bath. Well my friend asked if I would not drain the tub so she could give her son a bath (he is 21 months). I said ok. So I came in the living room and was brushing my daughters hair and I saw my friend come out of the bath room saying "Hollar if you need me!" and she came in here and watched TV. I couldn't believe it. He is younger than my daughter and she lets him take a bath by hisself! She only checked on him once in 20 minutes! Anyway, my question is what age do you think is appropriate to leave a child unattended in the tub? Thanks!




  1. My child is now 3 and I am still leary of leaving him in the tub unattended. Its personal preference but I am thinking over the next year I may be able to leave the bathroom (i do for very short times, like to get a ringing phone) but always return in like a couple mins.

    I personally do not want to chance him drowning, falling or I am happy to sty for now! I am totally agreeing with you on this one!

  2. i would say about 5! i'm sorry, but you are doing the right thing. 21 months is way too young to be by himself, he could drown! he cant even bathe properly!

    anyways, i think i would be to paranoid to let my 21 month OR 26 month old bathe by themself!

  3. umm. i was 8.

  4. My oldest is 4 and a half and I can leave him for a few minutes at a tim when he's in the bath but I'm always checking on him or calling to him. I never left him in the bath alone until he was about 3 and a half. There's absoloutly no way I'd leave my daughter. She's 9 months.

  5. It really depends on the maturity of your child but even at that it's a tough call.

    Twenty minutes is too long to leave a child that young. It only takes a few minutes for a toddler to drown.

    I commend you on staying in the bathroom with your daughter!   You're a good Mommy!

  6. I don't know what is considered appropriate or the best age, but my sis-in-law leaves her 20 month old daughter in the tub by herself for short bits of time. She just lets her play for awhile and then comes back to check in and wash her hair, etc. I've never thought much of it, and usually we can hear my niece playing in the water and squealing... So, while I can't say that this is right or wrong, I can say that others, near the same age of you and your friend's children, bathe by themselves...

  7. I started leaving my son alone at 4, but only for a couple minutes, and I left the door cracked.  Even now (he is almost 8) I check on him when he showers.  

    My daughter is almost 2, and of coarse I stay with her all the time when she bathes, but she has slipped (while sitting) and gone under and I had to yank her up, because she didn't even try to get up by herself.

    You should say something to your friend.  You don't want to be pushy, but if something happens it will be too late.

  8. Well, I'm sorry that I won't be much help in answering your question, as I do not have children yet (girl on the way!).  However, I absolutely do not think that 2 is an age to leave your child unattended in the tub.  It's very dangerous.  If the child is drowning or choking, they can not "holler" if they need something....that's crazy.  I would really think more around the age of 4 or so would be appropriate to leave for a few minutes at a time.  I don't know...I'm also interested to see what the other answers are  I think your friend should take some tips from YOU!

  9. I would say at 4 you could leave the room for a minute or so at a time to do other things, but I would always check in every few minutes and leave the baby monitor in there while I was away.

    By 6 I would feel comfortable with them being alone in the tub, maybe just calling for help to rinse their hair.

  10. I also have a 21 month old , and I would never let her bathe herself .. I was a live in nanny when I was 14 and helped her bathe until she was 5-6 ...

  11. My cousin is 6 going to thre 1st grade and he still  get monitored taking a bath the appropiate age for a kid to start not getting monitored is age 8 i just think its safe and appropiate you friend must be a young mother..!

    For like leaving her 21 month old son in a tub by himself thats so stupid on her part

  12. I really think it madders on how u think ur child will react.And also what u and ur child think about this issue.Because u may think shes ready but it doesnt mean she acctually thinks he or she is.So if u really want her to get used to it,start sitting outside the bathroom during it so that if he or she does need u know they can call u in.Then u both can get used to it,and feel more comfortable.

  13. it depends between the ages 4-6 is reccomended by doctors but you shouldnt leave your child unattended at that age because if they slip or fall it could be fatal, you should at the least check on your child every 5-6 minutes for there safety.

  14. That's a really bad move on her part.  A child should be at least 6 or 7 before you leave them unattended in a bath. Even at that age, you should check in every once in a while, like every 5 to 10 minutes.  I think 10 would be the age where you don't have to check in anymore.  I mean, if you have to run really quick to the kitchen to get a cup for them to play with, that's different.  But leaving them alone for as long as she did was is unacceptable.  Since she is young, you should talk to her, and give her some parenting tips.  You don't have to flat out tell her she was wrong, but kind of lead her into the topic.  Once you get onto it, you should tell her some of the effects of leaving a child unattended in a bath (drowning, slipping, falling, etc...).  It would be a good thing for you to do, it shows that you care about her and her child.

  15. at 3 almost 4 I often left the room, but never the area, where my kids were bathing.  they were always within earshot.

    I let my 7 year old finish up on his own, but w/my 5 y.o. I always make sure I am closely monitoring if not directly there with her.

    Here is a good link.,1510,52...

  16. Your friend is just asking for a really tragic situation.  Toddlers can drown in an inch of water.  I'm not sure of the right age, but 21 months is way too young to be unattended, not only with drowning dangers, but with slips and falls as well.  You or someone close to her needs to have a talk with her.  He's not even two and he's bathing himself?  That's not even right...

  17. wow. that was unsafe what she did. me personally, i feel around 5+ maybe because at that age they are bigger. if your child cannot properly wash their own bodies as an adult can, then they shouldnt be left alone

  18. that's still too young can he swim under water if so then maybe that's why she not afraid to leave him but if not then she shouldnt be doing that. My daughter was almost 4 before I started doing that. I still check on her from time to time even now and shes 6 now just to ask if shes needs something.

  19. I think it's okay once the child knows how to float in water or even swim a tiny bit.

  20. There was a news article in our paper about 2 years ago about this kind of thing.

    The story was about a 4 year old and 5 year old cousin.  The younger kid came out of the tub and told the mom her cousin was sleeping in the bathtub and she couldn't wake her up.

    They went in and the 5 year old had drowned in there somehow....

    My kid is 5 and I might duck out for a minute to do something, but I keep the door open and try to talk to her the whole time.

    I'm thinking 6?

    Old enough to actually wash yourself....

    20 mo is way too young.  He could just slip and immerse himself and freak out and drown.

  21. My ex friend did that with her 2 year old daughter, but she would let her play for like an hour in the tub and It completely scared me...I would never fo that. I wouldnt leave my kids alone in the tub until they are about 6, but I still checked on them. I helped them bathe, then I let them play for about 15 minutes. 2 is way too young.

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