
Age of concent chart for U.S...?

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it says AGE GAP PROVISION-no ..what does tht mean?




  1. The age gap provision clarifies that for you.  It's still a crime.  So NO, a CHILD of 16 shouldn't be having s*x with an 18 year old.

  2. If your not old enough to understand what it means then you dont need to learn it for your older bf.

  3. According to the notes on the chart - age-gap provisions that legalize teen sexuality as long as they are within a certain age range. The chart however, does not give the age range. Some states make an age gap less of a crime but still a crime.

    If the age of consent is under 16, and the other person is 18 it is a strict liability crime (in most states) known as statutory rape.

  4. it means you can't spell

  5. In some states the number of years of age between a minor (under 18) and the person they are having s*x with will make a difference.

    In some states a gap of three years, 16-`19 makes it legal rape.  in some states there are no gaps at all.  IF you ever have questions either don't (especially if you are NOT using two kinds of birth control) or don't until you find out what the law says.  

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