
Age of first needles for kittens, and the time to be spayed or neutered

by  |  earlier

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We just inherited two kittens and want to know when to get them fixed.




  1. It is nice to read someone wanting to know when to get their kittens fixed, rather than reading about the problems because they are not fixed.

    A lot is vet dependent, but a guideline is four pounds for many vets, which often is under 4 months.  For a male kitten it is a trivial operation, more of a snip-snip.  Some vets will do it on very young kittens, depending on the experience of the vet.

    For vaccinations, I have posted a schedule of suggested shots.  Really, only distemper, and rabies if required by law are the ones needed, unless your kittens go outside and are at risk of other diseases.  Most distemper vaccines cover about six different viruses so on the list, the first three are normally in one shot.

    Typically, the first vaccines are boosters, and start around 8-10 weeks, and then the third is often given at spay/neuter time.  Rabies often around six months.  Rabies given at spay/neuter time can throw the kitten for a real loop, so your vet may defer until later.

    Then, on the one year anniversary, many vets will give a distemper good for three years, as well as a three year rabies shot.

  2. 6 weeks for shots.


    i've always read/heard that 6 months is good for being spayed and neutered

    but when i last went to the vet we use, she told us we could go ahead and get our 4month old kittens done.

    they just needa be at least 3lbs or something.

    just make sure it's cool with the vets.

  3. Spay Neuter at any time ... some do kittens really young. So call the vet on this one.

    the call is free so go for it.

  4. I'm assuming you mean their initial shots - that can happen at about 6-8 weeks old.  The can be spayed/neutered after 8 weeks if they are average size.  If they are smaller than average, the vet may wait until they are big enough and weigh the proper amount.  I'm glad to see you are being a responsible owner by doing this!

  5. The stock answer for neutering a cat used to be six months but nowadays they can do it much younger. As for shots if they haven't had any yet they need to see the vet and get their first kitten shots assuming that they are old enough to be weaned and away from Mama. When you take them in for shots ask the Doc when he/she likes to spay and neuter. Congrats on your new babies!

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