
Age old question? <(o.o)>?

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What came first, the chicken or the egg?

I want to see what you guys think :]




  1. The answers you get for this question will depend on a person&#039;s beliefs. Believers of Creation will say the chicken came first as God created all the animals. Believers of Evolution will say the egg came first.

    Personally, I believe the egg came first. The egg was laid by the predecessor of the chicken, a creature similar but not identical to the fowl that emerged from the egg.

  2. The egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs, and they were around before chickens.

  3. Chickens are notorious premature ejaculators, and eggs take forever in boiling water just to get hard, so I would have to say the chicken came first.

  4. Well I think this way.

    What laid the egg for the chicken to grow up it had to come from an egg.  

  5. well if egg was first where was it laid from ?

    if chicken came first ,how was it born?

    thus rendering this an unanswerable question ....honestly i reckon if the egg came first it mustve been brought by a stork [lol] cos otherwise how did it get there .....but either way its bs  

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