
Age requirements for hschool vball?

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9th grade

im trying out for the vball team

not sure which 1

problly the junior ( whats the difference)




  1. There's no difference about it and there's no age require for volleyball eventhough you're only in 9th grade...

  2. If your school has freshman teams, that's probably where you'll end up if you're not really good.  Soem schools limit varsity to junior and senior, so you'll probably be on JV.

  3. Freshman

    Junior Varsity


    If you are in 9th grade you will try out for the freshman team, not the junior varsity. If you make the team and you are an exceptional player, and I mean very good, only then will your coach move to junior varsity. Other than that, you will be on the freshman team.

  4. Well I use to play volleyball in school and so did my sis (who jus graduated this past may). The way they try out around here is everyone goes to the same tryouts and then the coaches pick which jv r varsity to put you on or to cut you. USUALLY but not always FRESHMAN are on JV at least part of a season... so they are with about the same level players (to get to know the plays and what not). JUST A WARNING if your a FRESHMAN and you get put on Varsity everyone including parents are going to be upset because they don't think its fair that you are taking the space of an upper classmen. Believe me... several players I knew got c**p talked about them all the time because of it. (I wasnt one of the "priveleged"ones lol)

  5. I'm assuming you mean Junior Varsity or Varsity.  You generally try out for both at once.  If you are really good, you might be on Varsity as a freshman (which doesn't happen too often).  You will probably be put on JV, which is just as much fun.  Don't worry if you get put on Varsity, at my school, if you're good, you're accepted.  (We've won volleyball state the past 8 years)

    Varsity is the better team, which generally represents your school.  JV is for players who will be good, but need a year or so to develop their skills.

  6. There are no requirements to be on jv or varsity (except if your a senior you can't be on jv).  SInce your going to be a freshman, you can make it in either team.  That is not true about that freshman only make jv.  When I was a freshman, I made varsity and two other girls.  It really depends on your skills but sometimes its not all your skills (don't get me wrong, skills are really important but some coaches look at other stuff as well).  They look at how much heart you have for the game, your positivity, and encouragement.  My coach once put a girl on the team because of her heart, not her skills.  Eventually she played because she learned the game the right way, but the fact that she did that says a lot about my coach.  Anyways, play hard but also play with dignity and respect for the game the we all love so much.  Good Luck!

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