
Age/s*x of all you vegetarians/vegans?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering how old most vegetarians are, I'm a teenager and know quite a few around my age but I'm just curious to see how old you are.

Also I don't think I know ANY male vegetarians and boys always seem to be the first to make snide comments about my diet, so any out there?




  1. Female, 15, vegetarian

  2. 18 male.

    I'm a vegetarian.

    2 years.

  3. Female 16. 1 year vegetarian.

  4. 29 female, vegetarian

  5. male 18 lacto ovo-vegetarian. year and a half.

  6. am now over 50 - started to change diet in 7th grade after field trip to meat packing house.  am a  female who has raised 4 sons 2 daughters - all grown - all still veggies   c-ya  :)

  7. I am a 23-year-old female vegetarian.  

    It is so exciting to see all of the vegetarians answering this question that are young's nice to see that there is so much compassion in the younger generation.

    To all of you who have been vegetarians for many years, way to go!  You are all wonderful!

  8. 15 female vegan

  9. 25/F/Vegan



  10. 38 female, vegan

  11. female&15

    been a vegetarian for a year now...along the way i discovered different foods containing secret animal ingredients though.Im working towards becoming a vegan.

  12. 28 year old female vegan

  13. I am a 25 year old, female, vegetarian. I am, currently, working on making the switch to veganism.

  14. 16, female. Actually, been a vegetarian since birth, but I wouldn't change a thing. I have three friends, my age, that are vegetarian as well, so you're not alone =]

  15. 13 female vegetarian

  16. female



    almost vegetarian (eliminating fish and shrimp)


  17. female. 19. health conscious vegetarian. (meaning I don't restrict myself from non-meat animal products for the sake of doing so, but I don't endulge in cookies and ice cream all day either...I'd say I'm about 80-90% vegan)

  18. 16/female.


    When I was about 12 I got into this limbo of not eating any meat except fish, and this year I've stopped eating fish all together.

  19. 13 female

  20. age 14, female. Been vegetarian for 8 years

  21. Male, 50+, vegetarian over 30 years.

  22. 55, female, vegan

  23. A 22 year old female vegan.

  24. 18,male vegan for 4 years

  25. 17 years old, female, vegetarian for almost one year; but I was a pesco-vegetarian for a few months.

  26. 21, Female, Vegetarian..

  27. 25/F/ Vegetarian for 6 months now.

  28. Man (40)            : Vegan

    My wife (31)       : Vegan

    My Son (9)          : Vegan

    My Daughter (5) : Vegan (since born)

  29. 36 female vegetarian for 7 years

    my husband is 34 and also veg for 7 years

  30. 46 male, 99% vegan, 100% vegetarian

  31. 52 m vegetarian, I've been one since my early 20's.

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