
Age to drive??

by  |  earlier

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how old do i have to be to get my permit.

how old do i have to be to get my junior liscence.

how old do i have to be to get my senior liscence.

im asking because i turn 16 soon and i want to get my car asap. and APPARENTLY theres a new law that you have to be 18 to get youre liscence.. idfk.. help me




  1. Here's a site where you can look up those specific rules for your particular state:

  2. 15 1/2, 16. and 18 but it will be best just to contact your local department of motor vehicles and ask them, and good luck and drive safe.

  3. Where you getting the info you have to wait till you are 18. If it is Mom and Dad  then depending on your situation you might have to wait regardless of what the state says. if not it could be  a long rough two years.

  4. 17, standard to most of the countries' standards.

  5. It varies from state to state. In Kentucky you get your permit at 16, wait 6 months and test for your restricted license. Wait 6 more months (age 17) and you can get your full license.

    To get your permit, you take a written test. And then the road test is for your restricted license. To get your full license you just walk in the courthouse and ask for it.

    Permit- must have licensed adult over 21 with you in the car

    Restricted- Can drive alone but not between midnight and 6pm and you can't have more than 1 unrelated person with you in the car

    Full- just your normal license!

  6. You better stick on to the rules that your Country/State specifies. Its not only for your safety but also for the public. Hope you take it in right sense.
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