
Age to legally move out of PARENTS!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'm turning 15 this fall.

I just live with my father.

And i live in Norman Oklahoma.

Just want to know if there is any POSSIBLE way to move out of my dads house.




  1. Where do you plan to live?  Why do you want to move out, are you being abused?  

    Have you talked to other family members who can help you sort this out?

  2. On a episode of the Simpsons. Bart went to court to move out of his family because Homer was mean to him.

    But a more likely thing to do is just live with your mom or contact the police if you are being abused.

  3. Look up Emancipation.  If you live in a state where you're able to work at your age, and can prove to a judge that you're responsible enough to support yourself financially (place to live, food on the table, health insurance coverage),  while maintaining your educational requirements, you may be able to emancipate yourself from your father.

    Otherwise, if there is another eligible guardian (aunt/uncle/grandparent/mother) who would be willing to look after you for the next 3 years, check out those options first.  Unless abuse is evident, your father would need to sign his parental rights over to them.  Even then, the courts would need to be the ones to decide if he's an unfit parent.  Otherwise, or until then, count your blessings, and practice getting along with him so when you get out in the real world, you'll be prepared to deal with personalities similar to his.

    If you don't work through your issues now, you'll continue to repeat them til the day you die.  I speak from over 7000 days of experience!

  4. most people move out of their mother around 10 mths ...........

  5. You can't just walk out until you are 18.

    If you are being abused, you can contact authorities ( child services - or call the police ) and they will place you in a foster home.


  6. I believe it's 18. You can't rent anywhere until then. Are you being abused? If so tell someone so you can get to somewhere safe. If not, think very carefully before you do anything. Is that really the best option? Can you talk to your dad about whatever the reason is that you want to leave and maybe solve it? Do you have money? You're going to need a place to stay, food, clothes, things for school and countless other things that cost money. A job? Other family you can stay with? You're very young to be on your own. Think before you do anything.

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