
Age to work in a Vet. Office?

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I'm 17 years old, and my plan is to become a Veterinarian Technician. I'd love to get some experiance under my belt to put me ahead of other collage applications, so I thought maybe obtaining a job for at a Veterian Office would be perfect for me. I'm a hardworker, can emphasize with patients and provide friendly service, and most of all, I have a passion for animals and am willing to dedicate extra time to them even if I don't get paid. Question is, will any clinic hire me at 17??? I turn 18 June 23rd.




  1. You could get a job at your age as a kennel attendant..this way you will at least get your foot in the door, and while you will be doing lots of dirty work (cleaning cages, and feeding animals), you will have opportunity to watch animals being treated, and can possibly ask the vet to let you observe surgery or other interesting treatments.  

  2. you bet, apply for kennel help or veterinary assistant. This will also confirm that you enjoy working in this environment. It will be very helpful when you get your college degree. I am a vet tech and I did not work in the field prior to going to college and the kids that had prior experience understood some things I did not.  

  3. Yes they hire people all the time for office help or cleaning the cages and walking the pets. Go in and talk to your local vets or call them and tell them you plan to go to school for this and would like to get some experience. If they need help you won't have a problem

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