
Ages acceptable to leave children unattended?

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Would it be crazy (OR EVEN LEGAL) to leave an 11 year old, who is diagnosed bipolar and manic depressive, two eight year olds, a six year old, and a five year old home alone from about 7 am until around 3 pm while their parents are at work?




  1. Judy, Kentucky doesn't even have a law regarding children being left alone. They only have guidelines. Only two states have laws they are Maryland and Illinois. Having said that...and to answer your question....YES that would be crazy. Whoever said there was no such thing as a stuid question was wrong because this is just that...a stupid question and if someone realy needs to ask this, they shouldn't even have children.

  2. Um, yes. Especially all day like that when the girl is bipolar. I would report the parents...

  3. very disturbing. and illegal in my state. the child has to be at least 13 and developmentally mature to be able to stay home alone, let alone watch others!

  4. Your crazy

  5. Crazy yes! Lord of the Flies crazy.

  6. Yes it would be crazy and possibly child neglect. That is very irresponsible


  8. please NEVER leave your children unattended!! The worst stuff happens when they're alone... i mean things that never happen, happen when they're alone. Bipolar and manic depressive? no, no, no... that's a recipe for disaster... one of he main symptoms of manic depression is "impaired judgment"... "don't open the door for strangers," you might say. and he will think to himself upon opening the door for a neighbor, who may be a s*x-offender, "well, he's not a stranger, he's my neighbor"... if you need a babysitter, just cough up the money and get one, it will be a lot less costly than court cases or a coffin... please don't leave them unattended.

  9. why?

    worries about her normal 15 yr old boys watching the 11 and 10 yr old for  1 hour get a grip

  10. Not only would that be crazy (and illegal) it's asking for trouble. If you don't mind risking their lives go ahead. Just keep in mind that it's not only them you have to worry about it is the pedophile that lives down the street, who watches walk home from school everyday.

  11. In the state of KY, a child cannot be left home alone until s/he is 13.

  12. Absolutely not!!! I'd be hesitant to leave a bipolar, manic depressive in charge if it were an adult. You need a level-headed person who can deal with emergencies. This arrangement would be considered neglect.

  13. It would be crazy yes, not necessarily illegal as long as the 11 year old isnt' the one suppose to be "babysitting" because legally they can't babysit even siblings until they are 12 years old but it would be lack of common sense to do it.  That is just a very dangerous situation and asking for CPS to step in.

  14. Well depends.. it's not legal But if you think you're children won't do anything wrong you could leave them.

    It's not like the police is gonna check every home..

  15. not elegal but very stupid u need to attend them at all times to keep them safe and make sure that nobody is harmed!

  16. don't listen to these judgemental meanies.

    the best thing to do is to consult an attorney or look up the individual laws in your state and vicinity.

    That way you can have all of your bases protected.

  17. It would be crazy but I don't think it's illegal. It could also show how smart a person is.

  18. It IS illegal to leave a child under the age of 14 alone at home period.  So it is deffinately illegal to leave them in the "care" of another child under the age of 14.  If you do so and CPS finds out your children will be removed from your home, put into foster care and you will be charged with neglet and child endangerment.

  19. it really depends on how mature they are and not to get in to dangerous situation you also have to have trust that they won't if you don't trust them to be alone of that time then don't leave them by them self.

  20. NO NO NO NO NO

    i only have hearing loss. when i was 10 i watched my cousins who were 8, 4, and 2 but if anything happened i had my 12 yr old cousin in the back room and my grandma was only gone for like 20 min.

    i was allowed to stay by myself at 11 but scince she has a bipolar dissorder the kids might p**s her off and shed destroy the house get the retired gma please dont do it or hire a babysiter!

  21. that would be illegal in my country. as well as being incredibly stupid.

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