
Aggressive cougar vs aggressive jaguar who would win?

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cougar are known to attack bears and Jaguar can kill anaconda and caiman's.....looks like a tough fight.




  1. I have watched the videos on youtube. . .gruesome . . .See the tab above, below the word ASK. . .type in. . .Who would win cougar vs panther . . .there are quit a few good answers there. . .in my opinion, the jaguar !

  2. This question is impossible to answer for one reason. they are the same species. the are even classified as such. a jaguar is a black cougar, and both are the only cats capable of swimming underwater. so in this question probably the hungriest of the two since they are the same animal and the only difining characteristic is color.

    Quick question to anyone, since the only defining characteristic is color, and you guys want to call them a different species, does that mean that blacks are a different species than whites? just asking to make you think.

  3. Definitely the jaguar. Jaguars are the third largest members of the cat family, after the tiger and lion - they are powerfully built and very strong, probably the strongest of all cats in comparison to their size. Where the two species co-exist, cougars avoid jaguars whenever possible.

    EDIT: In response to Rick E's answer, jaguars and cougars are certainly not the same species. They're not even in the same genus. This is a jaguar (Panthera onca):

    And this is a cougar (Puma concolor), also called the puma or mountain lion (or Florida panther, in the case of the Florida subspecies):

    You are probably thinking of the 'black panther', which is just a name given to melanistic leopards - that is, leopards with an excess of the dark pigment melanin, resulting in a black coat. Melanistic jaguars can also occur.

  4. I worked at a private Zoo in Tampa, FL. I was attacked by a young Siberian Tiger and a South American Cougar.

    The biggest Cougars live in the Western USA but they would never stand a chance against a Jaguar.

    Pound for pound, Jags are one of the strongest cats on Earth.

    I have never heard of a Cougar attacking a Bear. The Bear would destroy a cougar.

    Jaguars only hunt antelope type prey.

    Where did you get this info? It's False!

  5. no matter who wins we lose,both could eat you for breakfast .cougars are mountain animals they like to lay in wait and ambush from above,if they eat bears it's cadavers or injured or bear cubs ,no cougar would attack a full grown bear except in defense. jaguars are very strong they can carry an animal almost 3 times their weight into a high a fair fight it would be luck of the draw.......tom

  6. first, a jag is not a black cougar, jags are like bulky leopards. a panther is a black cat that has a genetic mutation they are usually only black leopards or black jaguars although very rarely you will get a black mountain lion. i'd say a jag would win though,i believe it to be stronger, a cougar is more of an ambush would be close though

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