I have a german shepherd dog (spayed female) that is 6 months old. She is very attached to ME. She has been socialized with other dogs,cats,kids,people etc.. since she was 9 weeks old (when i got her).but since the last couple weeks When i take her for a walk when she sees other dogs her ears go up,her tail stops wagging and she starts barking and growling. When she sees people on her walk her tail stops wagging and her ears go up (she looks very wary of them) and most of the time she barks at them. This scares the c**p out of people. I have no idea if she will bite or not. When people come in our house she will growl, bark and her ears go up and i have to hold her collar. Also when people run/jog by our house and she is outside she will jump at the fence and try to chase them. She has NEVER bitten anyone. I do not have the money for a trainer so please don't mention that and i wont get rid of her. Is there any way i can train her to be nicer on my own?