
Agnostics and atheists? What the h**l is the difference dude?

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Is one angry at the other that they don't believe in God more?




  1. Atheists say "there is no God."  Agnostics say, "I don't know if there is a God or not."

  2. An agnostic believes that it's impossible to prove or disprove whether a God exists. An atheist just doesn't believe at all and doesn't care.  

  3. Atheist don't believe in the existence of God period....

    Agnostic don't know if God exists but don't deny the possibility.

    Rev. TomCat

  4. Atheists don't believe in a god/higher power

    those who are agnostic believe in some form of higher power, they're just not sure about all the rest.

    (and a higher power can include nature...multiple gods...etc)

  5. In practice, there is really not much difference between most atheists and most agnostics.  Agnostics just think there is a big difference because they haven't learned enough about what most atheists actually think about religion and gods yet.

    "As an agnostic, I gladly accept that I cannot know. Knowledge trumps mere belief."

    See what I mean?  This particular agnostic hasn't bothered to talk to any atheists about this topic.  100% of atheists gladly accept that they cannot know whether a god exists or not.  100% of atheists understand that knowledge trumps mere belief.  Atheists just carry their logic-train one click further and acknowledge that even though a god might exist, it is impossible to know for certain unless some evidence presents itself; therefore, why profess belief in such a being until or unless solid evidence comes available?

    So basically, most agnostics are atheists who think they're better than atheists even though they think atheists think they're better than agnostics.

    It's quite funny, really.

    "Agnostics, on the other hand, believe in a divine being (a.k.a. a god), but doesn't do anything to affect the creations. there's no "divine intervention", unlike in Christianity for instance wherein God became man in Jesus Christ. Like, there's a god, or a few of them, but the most they do is watch everything happen."

    Actually, what you describe is the belief of a deist, not of an agnostic.

  6. Agnostic:

    One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.

    One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.

    One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.


    One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.  

  7. Agnostic = not knowing God

    Atheist = not believe in God

    Since one cannot rationally know of God and believe in God or vice versa, atheists and agnostics are synonomous terms, that is unless one has irrational beliefs.  

  8. Nah, Agnosticism is just one type of atheism. It's a bit more specific.

  9. They are quite different in my experience. The agnostic is laid back and not overly fussed as attempts to find proof have failed. Not usually in your face kind of people just an attitude of show me and i'll believe.

    Most atheists on the other hand get worked up about what other people believe and are quick to try to discourage other people from their faith as most Christians try to encourage atheists to have faith.

    In truth we are all agnostics as this would be a done and dusted topic if we had conclusive proof. We are on a spectrum that ranges from yes there is a God to no there isn't and scattered at different levels between.

    In the end we make a choice and live with the consequences. As for me I choose to believe there is a God despite the fact I don't understand what He is doing alot of the time... and it's just a hunch!

  10. Atheists don't believe in a god at all, that everything that happens in the universe is a result of the flow of nature.

    Agnostics, on the other hand, believe in a divine being (a.k.a. a god), but doesn't do anything to affect the creations. there's no "divine intervention", unlike in Christianity for instance wherein God became man in Jesus Christ. Like, there's a god, or a few of them, but the most they do is watch everything happen.

  11. An atheist believes in No god/greater being whatsoever. An agnostic just is not sure what is out there---agnostics may believe in a greater power just not sure what it is....they are pretty much a studiers and questioners of different ideas.

  12. I can't speak for the atheists, as they are just as delusional as the theists in thinking they can actually know and that their lack of belief matters at all.

    As an agnostic, I gladly accept that I cannot know. Knowledge trumps mere belief.

  13. Atheists believe there is no god. Agnostics believe there's no way of knowing whether there is a god or not.

  14. There's a bigger difference in beliefs between them than there is between Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, and all other Christians. And much, much less anger involved.

  15. No, I respect all Agnostics (unlike most organised religions).

    Their belief system is just as valid as anyone else's, and much more realistic than many other Theist belief systems.

  16. Atheists don't believe in God.

    Agnostics aren't sure whether there is a God or not.

  17. who's angry at what?

  18. Agnostics admit that they do not know if there is a God.  Atheists believe they know there is no God.  Theists believe they know there is a God.

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