
Agnostics are by far ,the fastest growing group in the secular community today,how & why is this so?

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This factual observation inc.the top 2% of trained or self-indoctrinated scientists of the highest caliber as reported by top scientific publications( i.e.scientific american,Michael Shermers Skeptic magazine & many other respected journals and publications.)Assuredly as this may be, creationists and their believers are also on the rise in spite of scientific irrefutable proof that the universe self evolved approx.some 60 to 80 billion yrs.ago.(The exact timeline is still not an agreed upon certainty in the astro physics community.)when you are hypothesizing in the billion of yrs.strata, 20 to 30 billion on either side of the timeline is perfectly acceptable by the scientific community at large.You would think with all the rescent proof of self evolution not only in the astro physics departments,but also in the plant,animal and humanities evolution proofs as started by Darwin and Wallace.The question remains,why are the census of agnostics growing in leaps and bounds?




  1. I am one myself.

    Evolution has already been proved. No religious group believes in evolution. How can this be? They are in denial. They believe in God/Gods but say that every other religion is wrong.

    To say that there is no God is extreme, and I personally just cannot believe that there isn't some kind of God.

    So, to say that there is a God but to not have a religion is (I guess you could call it) being on the safe side. There are mysteries that we just can not explain. This to me means that there must be a higher power.

    I have been studying religions for eleven years now. I have multiple religions in my family. So, to my family I am a disappointment. I feel that the religious community thinks of all agnostics as disappointments.

  2. This is because no evidence indicating a higher power exists, but absence of evidence doesn't prove absence either. Therefore, since the existance of a deity can neither be proven or disproven, most take a position of skeptism, but keep an open mind... just in case some evidence is discovered.

  3. I do not accept the accuracy of your supposition.  What is the source of your data?

  4. You must be a creationist ed031639. What an illogical argument.

    Instead of "absence of evidence doesn't prove absence" you should have said "presence is proved by evidence".

    By your argument we cannot prove unicorns dont exist and neither do jabberwokies.

  5. I think it's simply about having an open mind. There are some that believe agnostics wander around tormented, desperately trying to decide one way or the other.

    I simply don't put a lot of thought into it, rarely does either side enter my mind, to me it's largely irrelevant. Evolution has without a doubt been proven, therefore the 'creationists' (BS'ers trying to pass as legitimate thinkers) are dangerous.

    It's also my observation that atheism is a faith in its own right. Having a faith that there is nothing 'else', whatever 'else' happens to be. Often atheists are as extreme as the very religious; as if they are frightened and threatened at the prospect of a 'God'. The religious pick up on this, thus many enjoy tormenting them (human nature). Anyway, atheists always come off as very defensive to me.

    Personally, I don't care either way. If there is an 'else' there would have to be a logical explanation behind it. Some consciousness that has existed for Eons, for example. If there is not then that's fine as well. I don't know quite how to articulate this; it just isn't an issue in my mind, period. There are better, more immediate things to concern myself with.

    Edit: Also, secular-humanism has failed. It failed to solve 'humanities' problems and it did more harm than good and created resentment. Children raised with it rebelled and became born again. It's dead and buried except for a hand full of poor souls who cling to it. Time for a new plan...

  6. It's because religion/mythology has been BUSTED...We've been lied to since we were born...and now we're fed up with this nonsense!

    If something created "our" universe, it would have to have come from outside the universe & therefore beyond our ability to know anything about its Nature, and it may even be under different physical laws than those which govern inside "our" universe, so it's just LYING to even talk about something we cannot know...

    Faith and feelings, are subjective emotions, which cannot be validly proven to mean anything!

    The two biggest examples of lies in Christianity, are...

    1) The virgin birth: No one was ever born outside of the Laws of Nature. In the original recorded historical document pertaining to the birth of Jesus, the word in Hebrew describing Mary, was an UNMARRIED WOMAN, who was betrothed. Time, and language translations misconstrued it so, that when the King James Version appeared (circa 12th Century AD), the description of Mary was, as medically virgin. If you think about a teenage girl (even 2,000 years ago), engaged to be married in 6 months, don't you think that she and Joseph were intimate before the set date. Why else would they flee to a neighboring city, when her belly started to show, and give birth just before the wedding. They probably felt guilty, and they didn't hand out condoms at their H.S., back in those days. The virgin birth was not included into the New Testament until a century after Jesus (Yeshua) was executed...Because it never happened!

    2) Resurrection: Death is irreversible...Barring recovery from a coma, Living things don't die, and then come back to life! It's medically impossible...

    The Roman emperor Constantine, used this exaggeration to promote Christianity as the new faith of the Roman empire. He was known for his sensationalism, and it worked! He'd be a #1 Car Salesman today...

    Now that people are beginning to wake up, and Forensic Science has learned to utilize DNA, to make "Dead Men" talk, many of the mythologies that have been passed down to us, are being debunked, and only the die-hard traditionalists, who haven't had a genuine, NEW thought in years, grasp on to these Fairy Tales, which most religion represents...

    Like swans that sing just before they die, the loud cries of the dwindling Creationists, merely reflects the last gasp of this peculiar kind of human subjectivity, which has revered the supernatural, undeservingly for eons...

    When objectivity reigns, they can go back underground, to quietly worship their tainted mysteries...

  7. Organised religion has been declining for decades, possibly because of scientific discoveries and women's rights movements. Many more people are choosing to live a secular life. At the same time, there is a greater emphasis on liberalism and keeping an open mind on other beliefs. Combine the two, and you get agnosticism.

  8. irrefutable proof?

    you must feel pretty good about having all the answers.

  9. "Agnostics, people who don't really care about religion, are the fastest growing group among folks who aren't religious?"

    Your question makes no sense, is based on faulty info, and makes unfounded assumptions.

    Addendum:  Peternal, the more I read your post, the more it screams to be refuted.  You wouldn't mind, would you?

    Your first sentence about "busting religion"....there has never been nor ever will be definite proof that *any* religion is false.  I can claim that the world is a large potato and you will never prove that wrong.  I can't prove it right, either....but then again, it's you making the claim about evidence, not me.

    Your second paragraph about possible just defined "agnostic", my friend.  You also just added yourself to the ranks of those who believe in a you became a non-atheist.  Paradoxical, that one.  The original poster also made that same mistake in logic.  If agnosticism is increasing, it means that atheism is shrinking and that religion is growing, not the other way around.

    Third paragraph about subjectivity....*ALL* that science is is based on subjectivity.  There's not *one* single definite fact in the entire body of knowledge.  Think about that one a bit.  Further, I can say "99.999% of "science" has been debunked" can't say the same about religion.  ;)

    About births have been going on for as long as there have been animals.  Rare, but not unheard of.  Becoming even more common with in-vitro fert etc.  Oh, and Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the census and taxing along with all the family of David....they didn't flee there when her belly started showing.  They were also married before the birth.  Further, death is NOT irreversible.  In fact, you'd have a hard time even defining it as opposed to life these days.  If you can't define it, you can't disprove it.

    "Dwindling Creationists"....false statement there, sir.  Fact is, more people believe in a creator today than at any other point in history.  You yourself defined being an agnostic earlier, remember?  "Dwindling atheists" is more accurate.

    Organized religion is about power.  Completely agree.

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