
Agora cyber school?

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what kind of computer do they give you? and what happens if one day your internet stops working how do you do your schoolwork?




  1. I really want to be cyberschooled and agora is one of the schools i looked at . my mom says that she will think about letting me be cyberschooled but she isnt sure , but i  think i would do alot better in that . hopefully you get to be cyberschool. but sorry i dont know alot about the school yet. but best of luck to you.

  2. I don't know what Agora gives for computers - most likely a desktop pc.

    We use K12 and anytime we lose 'net access, or are away from the computer, we just do one of the many offline components - working in the grammar or vocabulary book, writing a composition assignment, reading in the history text book, etc.  There is plenty to be done offline.

    Most Elluminate sessions are recorded, so you can always listen via that link if you miss an online session.
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