
Agree/disagree: If you are against setting fires to keep firefighters busy and working, then (details) -- ?

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If you are against setting fires to keep firefighters busy and working, then you do not support our brave firefighters. Agree or disagree?




  1. No, there are plenty of accidents and brush fires for firefighters to take care of.  They help with many other things besides fires, too, didn't you know?


  3. setting fires is Arson and therefore a are advocating commission of a criminal act for money therefore you are a conspirator..disagree...

  4. What exactly are you trying to prove? Firefighters are busy enough without intentional fires...

  5. You may not be aware of it, but firefighters /do/ set fires.  Not as busywork, but to halt the spread of wildfires (backfires) or reduce the load of fuel available (controlled burn).  

    And, yes, if you were to successfully oppose those actions, then you would be putting thier lives in greater danger.

  6. Disagree!!! now matter what your intent of this question it is not a good one.  My husband is a firefighter and by  people setting fires you are putting lives in danger.  Firefighters have wear many hats and putting out fires is just one of them, they are more than happy not to have to run into or stand in front of a burning building any day of the week.

    and B.Kevorkian, firefighters setting fires is called a controlled burn, yes they do that to prevent tragedies, but its allowed.  If I went and set the same fire thats against the law.

  7. Disagree.

    I'm curious to know your rationale for agreeing.

  8. You've never had to walk into a burning building or peel a cars roof like a sardine can and crawl in have you?  Having worked as a paramedic, I can tell you, the job is long hours of waiting interrupted by short bursts of terror.  Those short bursts are enough to make your hair stand on end.  Just let them be.

  9. Wonderful analogy, maryanne. I don't believe anyone got it but me, and one previous poster. I support our troops (firefighters), but I am against this war (intentionally set fires).


  10. And nobody else sees the point you're making. Of course one can support our troops without supporting the occupation of Iraq.

  11. Disagree. Purposely setting a fire is a crime, it's called arson. It is never a good thing to set a fire that can damage or potentially damage someone's propery or take a life.

  12. Sad.

    Did you know there's a mentality that actually thinks crime is OK?

    There really is!  It's called moral equivalency.  It goes something like this:

    Since there is no God, there really isn't such a thing as right or wrong, good or evil, just choices.

    So . . . manufacturing is the moral equivalent of property destruction.

    Since car theft provides jobs for people who build more cars, car theft is an industry just like car manufacturing.

    Home burglary is just as valid an industry as home decorating.  

    So burning down a forest is the same as planting a forest since they both create industry for people engaged in the two ends dealing with it.

    In England, they actually made it illegal to interrupt someone breaking into your home to rob you!  Seriously!  The burglar was only doing his "job" and earning his pay!  This is actually their thinking!  They actually outlawed guns and outlawed protecting your property because the person violating your property was doing a job no better or worse than anybody elses job!

    And no, I do not agree.  There is good and there is evil and it is defined by God's Word the Bible.


  13. This question is nonsense

    Yahoo editors:  Can you delete this one?

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