
Agree or Disagree? The ancient Romans still influence society a great deal.

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  1. They invented roads, central heating etc. That's proof enough.

  2. Of course. Arts, sports, law, warfare,  entertainment, language...they are all influenced by the Roman Empire.  i suppose you could even argue that it doesn't influence society nowadays but is its foundation (as long as we're talking about the Western World).

    hope that helps.

  3. Look at the architecture that fills the modern Western World.  All of the federal buildings in Washington DC were built in the classical style.  We have Senators, Patricians, Plebeians,  We still have gladiatorial games (football, ultimate fighting).


  4. Yes, they do.

    The codified Civil Law in most of the European countries (also in Louisiana because they have adapted the 'Code Civil" of the French) derives from Roman Law. This is a major influence.

  5. Yes they do, look at the Corinthian collumns that entail many buildings.  We can thank the Romans for building Domes, roads that still exist to this day etc.  Rome is responsible for introducing the concept of familial law where the family is often consulted in regards to law.  Rome established many laws, helped bring about early plumbing etc.  The united states and Germany both adopt Roman concepts in regard to their nation and even display the emblems such as the Eagle with the Facades on our currency.  

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