
Agree or disagree: "love" is more than just an emotion?

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What do you all think? Is it a choice?

I want your thoughts. :)




  1. yes.

    love is a need.

  2. I think it's partly a choice, because when you like someone strongly enough you want to see the best in them, so you overlook their negative aspects and convince yourself you're in love..still a beautiful thing though ;)

  3. Love is a very strong emotion, which affects and can be  affected by our choices. It's definitely not *just* any emotion, but one of the strongest there is and a great source of both pain and joy.

  4. Agree.

    Love is far more than a mere emotion.

    It's a condition. An ideology. A way

    of life. And it's as vital as the air you

    breathe. They say, if no one ever touches

    a baby after it's born, it would die from lack of love, affections

    and human interactions.

    So, is love a choice? Certainly..everything's a choice where

    emotional investments are the key issues. However, it's in our nature to love and to be loved. Therefore, love is also a mentality. A necessity.

    Love is an existence, one which is rich and fulfilling in life that allows

    joy and happiness to inhabit the spirit and make life worthwhile and worth living.  Love created us all, is larger than life itself.

    Love, peace and joy.

  5. I'm thinking.

    At what level and in what sense?

  6. I dont think love is more than just an emotion, although it is a strong emotion, there are plenty of other emotions too that are just as important, ie: honesty, trust, hope, faith, sympathy etc. Its just that love seems to be a very strong emotion...

  7. It's the evaluation by the mind of your physiolgical response to a person Or persons.

  8. Agree. It just happens weather you want it or not (and in the end your happy no matter your decision)....

  9. agree!

    love is the essence of a beautiful journey.  To be loved is one of the greatest gifts of life and to love is an even greater gift. It’s sweeter to have loved than not to have loved at all, but often when we have been emotionally hurt in past relationships we are hesitant to open our hearts again in fear of being hurt again.  love can be unconditional and true unconditional love is not seeing events, situations or people as good or bad or whether we love them or hate them in the life that we share with them.  love is a blessing in life.  

    LOVE is physical, emotional, and mental sharing. OVERALL, love is powerful.....

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