
Agree or disagree with the resistance to civil disobedience?

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Can anyone tell me if you agree or disagree with the resistance to civil disobedience and please tell why..




  1. I agree with civil disobedience.

    Countless millions of fathers have had their children stolen and all of those children have been disenfranchised from their loving fathers. So, we don't need any more reason than that; no society that is so abusive to children and fathers deserves to exist.

    And I'm sober. The whole of the father's rights movement believes that from their very sole.

  2. I fully support Civil Disobedience when it's exercised with common sense.

  3. Civil disobedience is how we became a country, that's a fact! It also forced our government to change many of the unjust laws of the past (look it up). Those that resist civil disobedience are kidding themselves, because there will come a day when they disagree with their leader and they will wish they supported those that fight for righting what is wrong today.

    Besides, do we really want to become another China?

  4. I am not sure of what you mean to ask by your wording it the way you do.  I looked up H.D.T's Civil Disobedience, and to say the least, could not stop reading till done!  This, this at last is as close anyone has come to putting in the written word the way I have always felt.  I cannot help but think that the only reasons for us not all living this way are that either no one has read it, (impossible), or worse, he was right!  We can be nothing but a nation of coward, myself included, if we continue to follow the course our government sets for us.  Look, just look, at what was written all those years ago, and again at our own times, and see that if anything it is worse now than then, and only because we continue to follow the way things are in fear of the price of changing them.  H.D.T. speaks not of blowing up a federal building, or shooting the president, he speaks only of that which I myself, and I have got to believe most others also, have said again and again.  That is this "they cannot arrest us all", or "what are they gonna do, put us all in jail?".  I know that I have heard time and again the apparently just man or woman declare with relish that this or that tax evader deserves to go to jail.  This is not stated out of any real sense of morals or justice, no, it is spoken from the same point of view as the child that stomps on anothers toys because he himself has none.  The same mentality of stating generally that "if I have to you must also", and do you really believe that to be so, do you really presume that anything you can be forced to do should also be forced on all others in kind?  What, what of the individual, the choice?  The...dare I say or think it, freedom?  What is wrong with the definition of freedom such that it is the right to do and say what you will or must as long as it does not infringe on the next mans right to the same?  I look at some of the laws we have and am appalled that we agree to them, embrace them!  What of the law, the ordinance, that demands me to build my home a certain size, color, shape, or worse yet, value?  And this law or ordinance is passed in the name of protected someone elses "right" to a certain property value?  What if I could find you a buyer that would pay more than the going rate for your property, precisely because it is next door to my 600 sq. foot hot pink home?  Would that nullify your ordinances?  I say it would not as these and many laws like them care not for freedom or even common sense, but instead for control.  What of taxes?  This nation ran and prospered in past times on far less, and regardless of anyones arguments of the need for them, I promise you would continue to prosper with less of them again.  The difference would be in who prospers, in who controls who prospers.  The individual, acting responsibly and with morals within a given society, will be of benifit to that society without being forced or coerced, and I believe a much greater benifit to it than when forced to do so. If you have seen any of my other posts, you would know that I have a passion for our constitution, in some ways this question of yours has lead me to lessen my respect for it in some ways, and in other ways to see it in a brighter light that makes it shine greater than ever, for our constitution was founded on what your question and H.D.T spoke of.  The rights and powers of the individual and He that gave man those rights.

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