We were asked this question in my Police Academy yesterday and I thought I'd see what more people think.
Say a group of city cops get together after work. A non-officer is handing out joints. Some of the cops take the joints and smoke, some politely pass.
The question was "what do you do? and if there were no ordinary citizens and it was only cops at the party, would that change things in your opinion?"
The obvious answer is "I would leave"
after that, of course it gets a bit hazy as to whether or not you report your fellow officers.
So the questions are:
1 - What do you do?
2 - if you leave, do you report the others?
3 - if it was only fellow cops at the party, would anything change in your mind?
I'll eventually post what I said if anybody is interested, but right now I'm just interested in what you people have to say