
Agressivness in Rabbits?

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My female rabbit is sometimes really aggressive to me.

Whenever you put your havd in the cadge to change her food, she flattens her ears and charges at my hand and growls! I dont know what has bought it on.

She isnt pregnant because she is kept with another girl and we have sexed them both and they are both girls. She doesnt have kittens so what could be wrong.

She isnt spayed so could it be the mummy hormones???

Shes about a year old.




  1. This is not at all unusual for rabbits, especially females. I would say they're pretty aggressive animals.

    Spaying may well help the situation, I've seen it help many times. Females are also extremely prone to ovarian and uterine tumours so it probably is a good idea.


  2. Sounds like her hormones are raging, she is being territorial towards her 'space'. It probably won't stop unless she is spayed. When she is spayed the hormones will calm down and she will be easier to handle and easier to litter train too! That behaviour should also stop. Un-spayed bunnies also have an 80% chance of getting uterine cancer. Think it's time for a trip to the vets!

  3. Yes, it could be the hormones.  It happens sometimes.  It could also be that you need to be handling her more frequently and make sure you're doing it properly.  You should be handling them daily and working on your own handling skills.  The more confident you are the less likely your rabbit will hurt you.  Even aggressive rabbits can respond well to proper handling and NEED to be handled.

    Get your rabbits spayed if you can.  It will help them feel less in a hormonal rage.  

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