
Agricultural question? And noise levels.....?

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We live in the country,,,by some farms in the area,,but we have close neighbors by our house,,,my question is this,,,we have 3 pygmy goats and i am afried of them making a noise that the neighbors would call the cops on us....are there rules in the country that pertain to noise levels? And can the cops fine me for my goats making "goat noises"? In our area we are zoned Agricultural and there are several farms in the area,,,,honest answers please.....




  1. Bake a cobbler, cake or pie and go visit your neighbors.  Bring the discussion around to your goats and ask them if they are bothered by the noise.  I cant imagine anyone being bothered by farm animal noises in a farming area.  

    Even if you do have a neighbor that does complain about it, really its no fault of yours.  They are the ones with a problem at that point.  Most likely if one of them does, its some city folk who moved out in country.  I would just try to make the best of it and defend your right to have farm animals in a ag area.  I mean seriously if they do for some reason call the cops they will quickly figure out that they are unsympathetic to them.

  2. I raise Boer Meat Goats.  I've lived in agricultural areas most of my life.  Noises from farm livestock animals are not a problem, if you live in an agricultural zoned area.  

    Noises from barking dogs can still be regulated.  That's a problem for me, since I have Great Pyrenees to protect my herd.  

    Your goats should be just fine, and protected under law.  Besides pygmy goats usually have sweet little quiet voices.  Not like my bellowing Nubians!

    Goats are also usually very quiet at night, when many noise type ordenances are in effect.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  3. In general, country people are pretty cool about noises.  That is why we live out here!  I never complain when combines go all night, or when someone is baling hay at odd hours because the dew is right.  That is part of the lifestyle.  My neighbors don't complain about me even when we are sighting in rifles and things.

    Where we have problems is when city people buy an acreage and they complain about noisy tractors/equipment, dust from the gravel roads, somebody hauling manure, or the hunters enjoying their sport.

    Get to know your neighbors.  They are probably decent people and if you go on vacation or something, it is nice to know you have a neighbor keeping an eye on your place for you.

    Just remember, good fences make good neighbors!

  4. Most of the farmers that I know wouldn't call the Sheriff if they had a problem with your goats or dogs.  They may shoot them though if they damage their property, but not for being noisy.

  5. Bunnylover, Are you new to county living? I've been on a farm most of my life.  Farmers don't call the cops because your goats make goat noises.  We would expect goats to make goat noises.  Now, if your goats got into my crops, we may have a few words, but if you took care of the problem, we would still be good neighbors.  I would even help you fix your fence, if needed. Relax, don't create problems before they happen.  Most farm folks are good people.  If you see a potential problem developing, talk it over with your neighbors.  You'll do fine.

  6. I can't imagine it being a problem. Just make sure that during normal sleep hours, lets say all the dark hours, you keep your goats as far from the neighbors side as possible. And when you get a minute, ask them if the goats have been a problem. They will tell you. That will show them that you have concerns and respect for them, which is more than most people in this angry world.

  7. I honestly don't see how you could be fined for animals making their sounds on a farm...or in any area zoned as agricultural.  It has to be expected.  If the neighbours don't like it they should move out of farm area.

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