
Agricultural resources of india...?

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need help please... ^^




  1. Well About Future Vision

    Things that have not yet / will soon be realised & implemented in India

    Here is a nice presentation ...


  3. Agriculture is one of the major profession of rural India and the country is endowed with rich resources and fertile soil coupled with hard working population. 60% of our population is engaged in agriculture and it contributes 50% to the GDP.

    vast lands are available and more uncultivable lands and a part of forest land is also used to cultivate.  The usage of fertilisers, are low, compared to other countries and india is almost self sufficient in food grains.

  4. Although agriculture contributes only a fifth of India’s GDP, its importance in the country’s economic, social, and political fabric goes well beyond this indicator. Agriculture provides livelihoods to 60 percent of the rural people, the majority of whom are poor, and remains vital for the country’s food security. After the Green Revolution of the 1970s which enabled India to achieve self-sufficiency in foodgrains, agricultural growth has slowed - from 3.5 percent in mid 1980s to 1990s to less than 2 percent in mid 1990s to 2000s. Slow agricultural growth and the consequent widening of the gap between rural and urban incomes has become a major cause for concern. The Government of India is therefore placing high priority on reducing poverty by raising agricultural productivity.

    Read More

    World Bank projects are helping the country to build a solid foundation for a highly productive, internationally competitive, and diversified agricultural sector:

    Indian Agriculture - India Finance & Investment Guide

    India is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture accounts for approximately 33 percent of India's GDP and employs nearly 62 percent of the population.

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