
Agriculture; Crop damagehow to stop it?

by  |  earlier

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After the rai has done its worse the next thing is the rabbits there all out of the flooded dykes and are now eating their way threw my young pea plants what can I do.




  1. Animals have always been the bane of gardeners since the first garden a thousand years back. Rabbits can be stopped by a low fence and will go under it, not over it. If it is possible to fence, the outside of it needs to be layed on the ground for a foot or two (like a letter "L" with the upright as the fence and the lower part of the letter on the ground) so they can't dig under without backing up to the edge of it, and they are not that smart. I found that if I take the papers that my dog pee's on in the house, put them in a bucket of water to make a pee tea, and put that around my garden, the rabbits don't go near it. Dog scent is scary. If you have a dog try it and also put the dog out at the garden early AM and then in the PM sunset when rabbits are active. Also try balloons on strings, try having a radio playing talk show voices lowly. Another thing is to mow around the garden very low so they have a no food zone. Also try putting out a feeding station away from the garden area with your un usable garden stuff, and anything the bunny might eat. Also, you can pee around your garden, and the kids too, but do it at night or the neighbors may have an issue, or use a jug in the bathroom and bring it out. Don't be squeamish, you are at war. And you can try some soapy water in a spray bottle, a very light solution around the perimeter of the garden, reapplied after rain. Use a non-toxic pure soap, not detergent, like Ivory soap. Avoid putting it on the plant parts you eat or you might have a hard time washing it off, so use it on perimeter stuff.

    The fence is best and remember to lay part on the ground like an "L" shape so they don't dig under, and try the urine tricks and balloons, etc. Do not trap them. In most places you will have to kill them as it is illegal to transport and relocate and many have families. Though they are a pain in the butt, you have to deal so if you can't share a little with them, then WAR but play fair and be kind, they have to eat. You have to show them where.

  2. bang bang bang buy a gun and host shooting party's for your friends, learn to cook rabbit casserole

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