
Agriculture benefits?

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How does agricultural industry enhance the quality of life for a county's residents?




  1. I think agriculture teaches people to be more in touch with the environment. They connect more with the earth. It puts food on the table, gives people jobs. It helps develop family enterprise. It encourages the development of family and family values, because they work together.  I grew up on a farm, and am still a farmer at heart today. I love the earth, I still love to grow our own vegetables and flowers. I love to be able to grow stuff and give it away. I have found farmers to be givers, they are willing to set aside time to help a neighbor.

  2. I see "donflect" has really thought his answer through.  Not only is his idea extremely impractical, following through with it would basically be returning us to the stone age.  You know, bearskin clothes, small groups of nomads wandering around, following wearever the wildlife goes and blundering through the briars and brambles picking a few berries.

    Throughout history agriculture has been the basis of civilizations.  Agriculture allows people to set up permanent residences instead of nomadic wandering.  A plentiful food supply reduces starvation and yes, it does allow for increased populations.  Plentiful food  also means that rather than a person's life being spent continually looking for something to eat, they have leisure time which can be wasted on such insignificant endeavors as art, music, literature, reading, writing, learning, philosophy and inventing yahoo answers.  

    So, I wonder if "donflect" will volunteer to give up his current lifestyle, knap a stone spearpoint and go search for supper?

  3. Each farmer produces enough food to feed over 100 people.  Large volumes of raw food products provides jobs for multitudes of people from the harvesting of the various foods, processing, packing, transportation and finally reaching the retail shelf for the consumer.  In the US we are fortunate to have a national average of approximately 8% of our income being spent on food.  This is the lowest in the industrialized world.   We also have a strong system in place for maintaining a very safe food supply.  We have issues from time to time, yet we are fortunate to have an abundant and safe supply of food readily available at our local stores.  With the low cost of food in the US we are better able to support our families with the variety of other necessary staples of life.

  4. Allowing them to eat is a good start

  5. I don't know about the "industry" part, but agriculture, yes, that I know. I grew up on a farm, and it was the best way of growing up I can imagine. There were several farms all around, none too big, and, yes, we shared. Our crops were: Potatoes, oats, barley, vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, hay. In winter, some logging was done, that got some cash in. Our neighbours all had cows, we didn't, we had pigs, and hens. There were still farmhorses around, too. Heavens, I feel ANCIENT writing this, lolol.

    But where farming is big-scale one-crop industrialized, though yielding more money, I cannot see it would be so beneficial in the long run, as regards the quality of life.

  6. Agriculture makes it possible for a country to mess itself up by having too large a population, a population that can not survive without agriculture.

    The people of the country would be better off to live by hunting and fishing, and stay a small population with far less pollution.
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