
Aground dialogue between the President of Ukraine and opposition

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Ukrainian authorities are willing to release activists jailed in clashes in recent days, but put conditions for this, as explained by the opposition leaders to the tens of thousands of people waiting in the cold challenging them for the street the result of the second round of talks with President Viktor Yanukovych. The protesters did not accept the conditions and whistled their leaders. Although there was some confusion, the general opinion among those who followed the rally is that the popular will is that leaders abandon talks with state leaders.

During almost five hours Vitali Klitschko opponents, party chief Udar; nationalist Oleg Tiagnibok a**e Yatseniuk, the leader of the jailed Tymoshenko, Yanukovych were meeting with and Justice Minister Elena Lukash. The package includes opposition demands release of prisoners and an extraordinary session of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) in the so-called " dictatorial laws " Jan. 16, giving more powers to law enforcement are canceled and restricted civil rights, and early elections.

The session of the Rada, as it is raised by the opposition, must also address the cessation of the Government of Nikolai Azarov and remove all criminal responsibility of those who have been arrested or prosecuted for their involvement in protests that have been happening since the November 21. A new Constitution and a new electoral law are other claims.

In yesterday's session the parties entered into the field on the release of the arrested activists. However, the authorities want to change evict protesters Hrushevskoho Street, at the entrances to the neighborhood of the Government. Asked about this requirement by their leaders, protesters voted against Tiagnibok retire and whistled when exposed position of the authorities. Will the rally prevailed and Yatseniuk called "discipline, order and responsibility " to the protesters. " Not one step back," he exclaimed toeing the popular will.

The justice minister, meanwhile, said that opposition leaders had not answered the question of whether they want to control the radical. " Unfortunately, for the second time, the opposition leaders have refused to prosecute extremist actions," Lukash said. " Nor condemned cases of occupations local power organs," the senior official. According Lukash, the evacuation of occupied buildings, a possible amnesty and topics that could be discussed at the extraordinary session of the Verkhovna Rada were discussed.

In various regions of Ukraine state governance continued to deteriorate. In Rivna, Cherkasi, Zhytomyr and Ternopil demonstrators opposing the regime representing Yanukovych tried to occupy the offices of Directors of these western provinces. In Lvov, protesters temporarily forced to sign his resignation to Governor Oleg Salo, who later recanted saying he had been coerced. In Cherkazi, protesters occupied two floors of the Administration and were finally evicted by the police.

Yanukovich, who has a great ability to take the lazy and make apparent concessions without substance, Parliament asked the chief Vladimir Ribak, to convene a special session of the Rada. This session will be held on January 28.

The call for a parliamentary session without an agenda can be well defined or useless or dangerous from the point of view of the opposition given that on January 16 the party of Regions got to skip the mandatory parliamentary procedures and ensure that the Rada approved by surprise freehand laws that now restrict civil liberties. Moreover, the session could be used to rate the state of emergency, which could directly threaten the institution of Parliament.

Yanukovych 's behavior reminds largely showed last fall, regarding the release of former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko, and the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union. In both cases, the policy was stalling and prolonging the hope that the two cases could be resolved favorably. Finally, neither freed nor Tymoshenko signed the partnership agreement. The partners were then the representatives of the European Union and also the mission of mediators led by former President of Poland Alexander Kwasnewski.

As in the fall, Western leaders have begun to bombard Yanukovych with phone calls, in this case to think of the stability of Ukraine and avoid bloodshed. The president spoke yesterday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, and President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso. The cast of international statesmen who try to avoid the bloodshed in the former USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev, who was in favor of the leaders of Russia and the USA, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, to take up the matter and joined join forces to stabilize Ukraine.

Before nconversaciones with Yanukovich, the opposition leader Klitschko addressed the governments of democratic countries and asked them which will increase pressure on the authorities to force them to stop the war against the people themselves. In an appeal, the ex-boxer said it is absolutely necessary to defend the activists of the Ukrainian civil society. "No time to think. It is the time for action, " he said. "We will fight until the end to take this occupation regime," said Andrei Tarashenko, Right Wing Sector in an interview to the Fifth Channel aground before the dialogue.

 Tags: Aground, dialogue, opposition, President, Ukraine


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