
Ah! No! I just got writers Block!!!!?

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Okay, so I'm 79 (document word) pages into my story and BAM! Writers block engulfed me!!!! The main person just got kidnaped, and I couldn't think of anyway to keep the story going from her POV, so I switched it to the second main person, and that's when it hit me. I couldn't write more then nine pages... I know once I get started I'm going to be able to write for hours nonstop but I can't seem to start.... any advice? I've tried everything I can think of.... Thanks!




  1. okay. this is simple. your book sounds good! here's what to do:

    -go for a jog, or walk around a park, or get out of your house and do something, maybe even grabbing a cup of coffee or buying yourself a new pair of shoes! :)

    -DO NOT sit at you desk and think: 'i have to write something but i cant geez i have to write i have to i have to i must get this done now!!!!!!' that. is. a. no-no. keep your mind open, make sure to breathe, keep well hydrated, be aware of yourself. if you are really stressed, just relax.for a bit. you may need to sleep on it, and that is fine.

    -everyone will probably say this, but i will say it anyway! ask what if questions. what if........the girl finds herself on a ship? what if one of her captors somehow knew her when she was younger? what if you introduce a new character?

    -try going back and developing character more. maybe the main person could have a flashback, and that would give her an idea to, oh i don't know, get her out of her current situation. maybe she'd think about her life back home for a bit, add in some detail so you can postpone the plot a tad until you get hit by an idea.

    -my very last suggestion is a game, kind of. here's how to play: take one of your favorite books, or a dictionary even. randomly flip through it, stop, and point to a noun, any noun! then, in the next sentience or two in your book, try to incorporate that. you don't have to say it directly, you could just mention it without actually saying it.

    I really hope this helps! Bye! :)

  2. If the story is entirely in the main person's pov, then just as something major happens (the kidnapping) would not be a good time to change povs. Is she unconcious? Maybe take a step back and describe her surroundings in and what is going on, get yourself involved in the kidnapping and then one of your characters might want you to write in their pov again.

    Hope that helps.

  3. As a small time writer myself, I usually take showers or take baths and listen to inspirational music. At some point, you WILL get an idea. Go out for a walk in your neighbor hood (past midnight helps better) and get some air. When it's dark and you're alone, it helps. Fresh air stimulates the mind. Being in a dark and being alone can also help put yourself into your main character's shoes as he/she is kidnapped. Hope I helped!

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