
Ah.!.! is this normal.?! please someone I need help?

by  |  earlier

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15 and pregnant anei cantseem to get comfy at all.! its so anoying. but Im worried cause I have gained so much weight (went from a size 1 to a size 12 in only being 9 weeks pregnant) could I be pregnant with twins.?? how soon will I be able to tell.? how much more difficult is it going to be if I am having twins.?




  1. Haha, very funny. Is it 20 pounds or 35 that you gained? It's a pretty big difference. And if you really are 9 weeks pregnant then you've got to have at least 10 babies in there. Faker...

  2. being that you are 15, if you are having pain, and uncomfortable in general, you should go to the Emergency Room Now!!!  The weight gain alone is alarming how many office visits have you had with the Doctor?  You do have a Doctor right?  Just go get checked out and make sure your baby or babies are healthy.  I will be praying for you and the baby, but go now and tell someone you are having some discomfort and that you want to be seen by a doctor.  

  3. well, its astonishing, usually in first three months of preganancy wieght gain is neglisible, instad women lose weight in first three monthes and then gain afterward.

    There should be no pain. Consult your doctor immediately.

  4. First off, are you 15 years old, or 15 weeks pregnant?

    How much weight have you gained? What was your weight before and what was your height?

    Were you under weight to begin with?

    Are you seeing a doctor? They can tell you if it's twins or not.

    Having trouble getting comfy is part of pregnancy, get used to it.

    Those pains are your uterus stretching, and when it happens when you cough or sneeze, it's most likely your round ligaments.

  5. Starjewell, you are right on the money.

    Apparently this person only had s*x for the first time 2 weeks ago...;...

    Putting on that much weight is NOT normal so far.

  6. this kinda seems uh fake. it def. wouldn't be healthy to get that much bigger at only 9 wks and i dont think possible even if you were have 8 babies!  

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