
Ah my eyes have stys..... i think?

by  |  earlier

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Stys are little pimple like things right?

I had one and it promptly went away but now i have two on my top lid and its making it kinda swollen and hurts when it blinks.

Is this somthing you go to the docter about?

Any advice on getting rid of them and how long??

Thanks you!!!




  1. Its a pimple. Go to the doctor about a pimple? Nah.

  2. Hi Neo,

    I grew up with Stys, they are caused from lack of sleep and possible stress, there is an over the counter med you can buy for just a few bucks, it works and you can also use a warm compress (soft wash cloth) and keep applying it to your eye, that helps also.  All this in my own opinion.

  3. just leave them they go in time

  4. Soak a washcloth in hot water then apply it to the this a couple times a day until the swelling is gone.  If the swelling does not go away it could be a blocked duct, which requires a quick surgical procedure to clean it out.

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