
Aha, i have been summoned to come back to the cricket section before my overseas trip in SEPT, to INDIA!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Who knows a good place to stay in Haryana, I am vistitng a long lost friend for a surprise birthday party. 36th or 37th, should a hoot, he has no idea i am coming, maybe you guys know him.

wondering where to stay and what to get him, new wife?, new job? new place to stay?

Hey maybe i can stay at his place, i am sure his ex'wife to be will not mind, wink wink say no more.

my name has been mentioned too many times for me to ignore any longer.

Haryana, will be a beautiful city once the garbage has been removed for good.




  1. Can you take a pressy over from me? It won't start ticking till you land I hope. He''l think it's a blast when he gets it! lol

  2. Allah be praised you leave him alone

  3. I hope you knows what are you talking about.


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